Trump doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. He’s #UnfitToBePresident, drive a car, etc. Means there are WH power struggles, consolidating, vying for
1/ & control. Tyrant contenders are: 1. Jared/Ivanka, 2. Barr, & 3. Pence. (maybe 4. Pompeo) If things fall, Trump will be quickly dispatched & replaced
/2 one of them or someone controlled by them. This struggle for power will become ever more apparent to us as we draw closer to elections. Reports of vicious
...WH infighting will leak out and become more obvious to us as the elections draw nearer. Trump anointed Barr with unparalleled power & access to intelligence...
...and #Gestapo #Stormtroopers who have no compunction about unleashing violence,shredding constitutional rights or breaking the laws; all under the false-flag...
...of “law and order.”
Every American needs to be prepare for this battle.
Protester: “We came out here dressed in T-shirts playing with hula-hoops and they...
...started gassing us. So we came back with respirators. Then they started shooting us. So we came back with vests. Then they started aiming for the head. So we...
...came back with helmets ⛑ and now they call us terrorists.
Who’s escalating this? It’s not us.”