My name’s Peggy Schuyler & this is the first time I’ve ever started a sentence that isn’t just a continuation of what my sisters are already saying! I have so much to say I could burst!
My dress is yellow.
P. Schuy
My sisters met a goatee in knee socks & both wanted to bang him 🙄 Ang bowed out but I think that’s bc she prefers drama & angst to sincerity & duets.
I’m not part of the triangle & I can’t help but think it’s bc it would make something too confusing in the future.
I’ll be a bridesmaid at their wedding bc I’m one of 15 ppl who live in NYC. I hope they let me wear yellow.
P. Schuy
PS: There is a War
Wedding day. Eliza’s happy & won’t shut up about it. Goatee who says I confide in him (I don’t) is giving a toast about how smart he is & won’t shut up about it. 2 New Yorkers & a Frenchman (thrupple?) are holding hands & rhyme-yelling.
No one ever. stops. talking.
I feel weird.
HUNGRY SO AND BORED SO I’m and all at Eliza with do to nothing has really and Angelica about just is course of which Eliza about feels Angelica how about all be will it that sure I’m and toast a give to about Angelica’s
No one....seems to be acknowledging what just happened.
I really hope Angelica is not a witch because she would never stop monologuing about how difficult and solitary her life is.
(yum yum)
🎵A deviled egg!
(yum yum)
🎵A blintzeee!
🎵And pâté
P. Schuy
Sorry I haven’t written in two years. Nothing has really happened. Well, the war is over, Eliza has kids, a peacock in a purple coat is making some noise etc
But none of that involved me. So I kept my mouth shut & weaved a bunch.
Womanhood is a nightmare
I am terrified. During my evening perambulation w/my chaperone, bodyguard & footman, I spotted a woman who looked exactly. Like. Me.
I could tell she had lost her Virtue as she was alone & the wind sounded like string instruments playing in a minor key as she passed
Her dress was Red: the color of fallen women & harlots.
Not to be compared with my dress which, as you’ll remember, is yellow.
And to think, I never would have seen her if Angelica & Eliza remembered that I existed and invited me upstate!
Or are we literally identical women born into two different tropes? We have no control
Who lives, who dies, whose dress is whore-y?
P. Schuy