Left: Words are violence
The Left can commit ACTUAL violence based on others’ words
L: It’s OK to p_unc.h a Knot-See + Trump supporters are Knot-Sees
It’s OK to p_nc,h Trump supporters
L: Human beings are not iIIegal
No consequence for iIIegal behaviors
L: Human lives are more important than property
If you defend your property you don’t care about human life
L: H_a.te S/peech should be iIIegal + we define what h_8 sp33ch is
We control Language
L: If you don’t use our new made-up pr0_n0.uns (COMPELLED SP33CH), *that* is h_8 speech & vi0Ience
We can be vi0Ient, fire you, or throw you in jaiI - dealer’s choice
7. You d0n’t need g_ns, just caII the poIice + Def_und the PoIice + “Peaceful Protests
PortIand & co
Dr_umpf is a Tyrant like Hit|_3r because Language=vi0Ience
Anything is okay, An-Tee-Fer is justified in all they do
This is why Language matters
This is why [they] have forced linguistic changes on by inches until @realDonaldTrump forced them to rush [their timeline]