From an early age, we are asked questions and we are expected to give out answers.
I call this, "The Curse of Intelligence".
Worse still, solve it fast!
We take fast problem solving to be a reflection of our intelligence.
Brilliant people don't solve problems.
They ask questions.
And the questions then solve the problems.
@simonsinek's Golden Circle…
Here are some questions that have helped me tremendously, over the past decade, as an entrepreneur, a leader, a father, a husband, a friend and all other roles I have played.
What is the one thing that we want to fix/change/improve, by our action.
Just one thing.
Not two. Not three.
One thing.
Give me that one metric and I know what you want.
Give me more than one, and I know you think you know what you want!
When things don't work out, it is easy to crib, complain, find excuses or find faults.
Consider asking this question instead.
And suddenly, the shift in frame of reference, opens doors of realization.
We are so quick to conclude things in our head (curse of intelligence, yet again!)
We are so quick to blame, to assume, to judge that we blind ourselves to the possibility of what else could this mean?
Is there something I could be missing?
Here is the thing about humans
If we do not know what is the one thing we want from life right now, the next best thing we want is EVERYTHING.
And that is a disaster.
It is crazy that we actually try to stop feeling what we feel. We tell ourselves not to be angry, not to be jealous, not to suspect, not to be scared.
But we rarely stop to ask this question.
Baffles me, the lack of genuine curiosity.
For all the times that we hate ourselves, blame ourselves, doubt ourselves, this question is a powerful way to imagine us without these feelings, without these thoughts.
How would you behave, how would you operate, without these thoughts?
Going to the depth of the reason behind our actions tells us so much about our own selves.
Do we operate out of obligation (have to), lack of choice (need to) or desire (want to)?
Humans are hardwired for short-term thinking.
And that inhibits our ability to think in decades and compare it with today.
If only we asked this question more often, we would see a lot less regret in old people. Our own selves.
The world begins defining your success from Day1. Grades, careers, jobs, marriage, money, looks, accent - everything!
And we rarely stop to ask, are we living our life on our terms, or someone's else's definition of life?
Everyday we sit on opportunities that people right outside our house will not get to see for even a second of their life. And they work harder than us, perhaps are even smarter than us.
Not all success is hard work.
Not all failure is laziness.
And am I ready to face that worst thing?
Emotionally, socially, financially, psychologically, physically?
If yes, go for it!
If any iota of doubt, don't.
The goal of life is not to find the most comfortable chair for yourself and sit on it forever.
The goal of life is to sit on as many chairs as you can.
Redefine who you are.
All the time.
Because there is no you.
You are just a concept in your head.
There is so much to be grateful for. Heck, the fact that we are alive reading this, is enough to be grateful for.
But we take our lives for-granted. We assume we have unlimited time and all that we have is because we worked hard for it.
Both are lies.
We spend our lives attending to the urgent, because it shouts at us the loudest. While the important things patiently waits, unattended, hoping for it's turn to come.
It takes courage to reverse this order.
As an entrepreneur, we come to believe that our idea will work because WE are working on the idea.
We rarely go out seeking the answer to this question with the humility and curiosity of a child.
The world has an insane amount of detail. And there are 2 ways to know those details.
Or discover them yourselves.
It is so much easier to ask.
Because I believe that those questions will help them just as much as they have helped me. And helped me tremendously.
― Shannon L. Alder