Albertans: Have your say on @shandro (…). <Later we will do @jkenney>. One more round of Albertan's opinions before bed. (Again, what follows are the real words of Albertans. Not my words. Unedited)
"Healthcare guarantee"
"Stop ruining our healthcare! Stop being reckless and stop mistreating and disrespecting our incredible doctors! Alberta’s healthcare system is in danger. "
"No private healthcare."
"Go back to arbitration."
"We did not vote for this."
"Stop using the doctors as an excuse to privatize our public healthcare."
"UCP is bad for Albertans"
"Stop trying to fix something that isn’t broken. We have wonderful family doctors and a great healthcare system stop trying to ruin it."
"Make a deal with the doctors "
"Remove Shandro and work with the doctors"
"Embarrassing dictators"
"The UCP should remember that they work for Albertans not Oil companies. They are destroying our province piece by piece and it’s heartbreaking to watch."
"Newly trained doctors are already planning to leave Alberta once they graduate residency "
"Listen to Alberta doctors."
"Public healthcare means public. "
"To stop trying to privatize healthcare and to work personally with the AMA, instead of trying so many bullying tactics"
"stop spreading misinformation about physician compensation and go to binding arbitration"
This list just goes on and on. @jkenney@shandro I think Albertans are talking to you. Will you listen? In the time it took to post these, more showed up than I posted. Many wrote full letters. #abdocs4patients will be constructing a public website soon...
...All your comments will go on there. Well, there is alot of colourful language. We will check with our legal team to see if those can be posted. Remember, keep it classy. In case we can't post those, your message may not make it out. But keep them coming....
...the next version of this poll will allow you to indicate which MLA is yours, so they can also go to (not up yet) and read their constituents concerns.
Shameless plug. Follow me, retweet the poll (…), and stay tuned. Your opinions matter to Alberta doctors. We can only hope they matter to your govt. Maybe they matter to your MLAs. #NateHorner Stettler-Drumheller, do they matter to you?
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1...Want an example of how this @ABDanielleSmith-driven need to replace family doctors by NPs/pharmacists/naturopaths etc will cost the system more?...2
2...A patient of mine seems to be doctor shopping, bx family docs are scarce, leaving, overworked. All=hard to get in to see (because we are constantly suffering cuts, watch out for the next cut on budget day).
So, she took her child in to see an NP, maybe to establish there?...3
3...The child has asthma, which I had well managed. But, apparently this is beyond the NP's skill level? The NP referred to a respirologist. The respirologist put child on same treatment as I had them on, with same parameters...4
As many may know, family doctors are being asked to accept a new payment model from @ABDanielleSmith, @AdrianaLaGrange. What is it supposed to do? Its supposed to pay famdocs not only for the encounters they engage, but also the time they spend and patient complexity...2
2...But, if we look at the individual components:
a) encounter pay is 68% of what we were getting, so that's a cut
b) time-based pay is about on par with what we were getting before
c) complexity-stipends...well, that's a whole different kettle of fish...3
3...You see, we are being told that our complexity stipends are based on a matrix developed by the esteemed CIHI (Cdn Institute of Health Information). But, this involves proprietary algorithms and as such,...4
People should read up on Austria's political history in the 1930s. For 2years+ before Germany rolled into Austria, pro-Nazi political parties were being groomed and pro-Nazi media outlets were being installed...2
2...The Austrian Nazi party KNEW about and assisted Hitler's flash decision to conquor Austria. He did it in 3 days, with help from his political allies within...3
3...Know this when you read articles being published by PP's con party, spinning how Canada is duty bound to accept US hegemony. Know this when you watch Alberta's premier come back to Canada private talks with Trump, and nothing to show for it for Albertans...4
I have been fortunate to explore numerous corners of the western world. Early on I was advised to pay close attention to the people. No further guidance than that. I started looking through the lens of a physician. I saw history & geography determined the habits of the people...2
2...Europeans weren't nearly as obese, but they lived on 1000s yr old infrastructure. They were not a frontier. North America continues to be a frontier, and it shows in our houses, living rooms, pantries, fridges. Stock up, gun up, hunker down...3
3...There is no need for a neighborhood grocery store, so reject 15 min cities! You need a vehicle w 500km range so reject tech that works w a social grid. Be an individual, don't live in your community! Isolate yourself self-sufficiently, and soon there will be no community...4
1...This is coming to your hospitals Alberta. With the faith-based ideology, Covenant Care will be looking to impose these doctrines:
"In vitro fertilization (IVF) is not permitted because it separates procreation from the personal, sexual act of love of the couple."...2
2..."Catholic health care organizations are not permitted to engage in immediate material cooperation in actions that are intrinsically immoral, such as abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and direct sterilization."...3
3..."A female ...If, after appropriate testing, there is no evidence that conception has occurred already, those treatments that would prevent ovulation, sperm capacitation or fertilization are permitted." So, you can only prevent a rape pregnancy, not end one...4
Dr Parks @PFParks, you have done great service in raising public awareness as to the plight of family medicine in Alberta. I salute you. This ad is an example of the value the UCP places in famdocs, and the games they are willing to play...2
2...@ABDanielleSmith @AdrianaLaGrange, if I am elected prez SFM (Section Family Medicine) on August are going to realize what its like to deal with a real SOB. I'm bringing new tactics, I am assuming you will be unreasonable, and the stakes are going to be raised...3
3...Board of the AMA (@Albertadoctors), I look forward to working with you. @ShellyDuggan, if I am so fortunate to work with you, lets bring hell to this uncooperative bunch. @gilmcgowan I hope to gain wisdom from you, Heather Smith (@UnitedNurses), Preston Quintin et al...4