⚡️one of the commonest causes of nephrotic syndrome
⚡️reflects histological change of GBM thickening with little or no proliferation or infiltration
⚡️many antigens identified recently, starting with PLA2R
⚡️15 to 20% of MN remain negative for any known antigens
⚡️Phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R)- present in about 70% of primary MN
⚡️Thrombospondin type I domain 7A (THSD7A): represents up to 3 to 5%
⚡️NELL-1: up to 16% of PLA2R negative primary MN
⚡️SEMA-3B: recently identified; mostly present in children
⚡️major antigen in human primary MN; first of the antigens to be identified
⚡️70% of all pts with Primary MN had anti-PLA2R Ab in a seminal study by Beck LH, Salant DJ et al
⚡️since then, 50 to 84% of pts with Primary MN in various studies had similar results
⚡️PLA2R staining in biopsy by immunoflorescence or immunohistochemistry identifies primary MN
⚡️it may identify pts with PLA2R primary MN & Neg serum antibody test
⚡️highly specific but has been detected in deposits of some pts with secondary MN
⚡️second most common antigen after PLA2R
⚡️present in 16% of PLA2R neg primary MN
⚡️associated with anti-NELL-1 antibodies; which is predominantly IgG1 type
⚡️a distinct form of primary MN
⚡️clinically noted to be..older patients; and no sex predilection
⚡️unique antigen which is involved mainly in children & young adults
⚡️associated with ciruclating anti-SEMA-3B antibodies
⚡️8 of 118 cases of diff cohorts of PLA2R neg MN were SEMA +
⚡️finding of Anti-Sema-3B in children with nephrotic syndrome may indicate MN
⚡️in MCTD, epitope spreading can occur within 2 yrs of diagnosis; results in lower skin sclerosis, higher lung disease and lower arthritic manifestations
⚡️epitope spreading in autoimmune encephalomyelitis, RA, MS can lead to worsening of clinical picture
⚡️Seitz-Polski et al showed that epitope spreading from CystR to CTLD1/CTLD7 leads to worse prognosis
⚡️Reinhard et al argued-- it is total antibody titres not epitope spreading that determines outcomes
⚡️Assays not availabe commercially/ areas of research
Thank you. 🙏