You must have this mindset—even if you were to lose everything for the sake of the gospel, it would be a worthy sacrifice. It is worth more than any other thing in your life.
I've thought a lot on this after seeing several tweets, and I think I have a good perspective to share. I believe it will help a lot of people see things more clearly.
Needless to say, this is for Christians. Born again, loyal to the written word of God.
In the Bible, tags and self-identifying titles are a big deal for children of God.
Jesus - ye are the light of the world, the salt of the earth.
Peter - ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
Paul - we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
It goes on and on.
Therefore, anything a believer defines him/herself with must be rooted in the Bible. It cannot be a tag that is alien to the word of God.
If I were to describe Eminem, I would say he is a white rapper, but what really defines Eminem is the word 'rapper'. Rapper is someone who "spits bars" and "murders beats", we all know this. So Eminem being a white rapper means he is a rapper who happens to be white.
The 'white' there is merely adding a descriptive element to an already existing and fully defined identity. The rapper there is the real carrier of identity. Not the white.
So this whole Esther talk from yesterday definitely needs some clarification, because some people (whether knowingly or innocently), have taken it along a different direction.
Let’s keep the perspective biblical and God-centered.
Let me state first of all that the Bible does a lot of reportive journalism, and that doesn’t mean what is being reported is approved or endorsed by God.
It just is what happened, and it’s been recorded so that we can have the knowledge—and the knowledge is key.
It’s key for our total interpretation of the word of God and our understanding of His nature, and His will.
Also, a lot of what we grew up learning in Sunday school wasn’t really accurate.
Little details that either change the story entirely, or just have a little effect.
A lot of people profess Christianity. They say they’re believers, and they believe in Jesus, but they don’t even know who He really is, neither do they understand the implications in their lives, of what He came to earth to do.
And to be honest, it’s easy to identify publicly with a movement, even though you don’t really get what they’re about.
For example, a lot of people call themselves feminists online because it’s now a popular movement, but they’ve not taken time to understand the cause.
Please do a background check on my Twitter account. Just search [ @TomiwaImmanuel + rape] and go through what you find.
The person I replied suggested that “even the rapist is in my replies, talking about the word of God”, and I said the absolute truth; that everybody (no matter how evil) is loved by Jesus.
Jesus didn’t die for the ‘good’ or ‘not so bad’, He died for everybody.
However, her success is not because ‘Jesus said Yes’—her music is mostly about immorality and profanity, and as much as Jesus loves her, He doesn’t roll with that.
She’s successful because she’s giving the world what they want. Fin.
There is no interpretation of Jesus’ character or agenda outside what is in the scripture.
Don’t get it twisted, Jesus would sit with Cardi and Meg, laugh and gist, and tell them all about His wonderful grace.
He wouldn’t sit and listen to their music though.
Jesus loves the world, everyone in it.
But check His communication with people, He always spoke about living the life you’ve been called unto.
Jesus wants you to live holy, just as He has made you holy. This involves the message you preach and stand for.