What should the EU be? A major YouGov/@EuropeanUni study in 13 EU countries (plus the UK) uncovers differing attitudes to the EU and other member states yougov.co.uk/topics/interna…
Countries that most want... "a protective Europe that defends the European way of life and welfare against internal and external threats"
Greece 57%
Romania 48%
Hungary 47%
Lithuania 44%
France, Spain 42%
Finland 41%
Poland 38%
Netherlands 35%
Italy 30%
Solidarity in the EU: while many countries are willing to help out in a crisis in principle, it depends on who they're helping. People in 9 of the 13 EU countries are unwilling to help the UK (Britons are happy to help out all 13 EU countries though)
The EU: better than national government? In Poland and Romania people are more likely to trust the EU than the national government on all issues we asked about yougov.co.uk/topics/interna…
While many Europhiles have always opposed the concept, among Europeans themselves there is limited opposition to a 'two speed Europe'. Most opposed are the Greeks, at 21%.
Should the EU be a military power? 12 of the 14 countries we studied supported the creation of an EU army, although there is a divide on whether to prioritise improving NATO over integrating EU defences:
Should the EU be a global power? All 14 countries wanted to see the EU more powerful than China, but France and Lithuania don't want to see it more powerful than America yougov.co.uk/topics/interna…
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🧵/ Where does the British public stand on transgender rights in 2024/5?
The 4th study in our series shows that scepticism has grown across the board over the last two years, including among groups typically more sympathetic to trans people
On transgender social/legal status, % of Britons think...
Should be able to identify as a different gender: 49% (-6 from 2022)
Should not be able to identify as a different gender: 35% (+10)
Law should allow people to change legal gender: 34% (-6)
Law should not allow people to change legal gender: 48% (+11)
As many Britons now say you should be able to change *neither* your social nor legal gender as say you should be able to change *both*
Should be able to change neither: 33% (+10 from 2022)
Should be able to change both: 32% (-6)
Change social, but not legal: 10% (-1)
Change social, unsure on legal: 7% (+1)
Unsure on both: 11% (-5)
Other combos: 8% (+1)
While Western Europeans are much more likely to want Ukraine to win than Russia, the number who do so AND care a great/fair amount about it has fallen noticeably in some countries since early 2023
With Donald Trump due to become president again in January, Western Europeans typically expect that he will end support to Ukraine – although they are less sure whether he will follow through on threats to withdraw from NATO
Negative attitudes towards Labour have not crystallised just yet. Most Britons (54%) still say they are willing to give the new government the benefit of the doubt
Have high hopes, think they will do well: 19% (-2 from 20 Jun)
Do not have high hopes, but give benefit of doubt: 35% (=)
Do not have high hopes, think they will do badly: 38% (+5)
Nevertheless, many Britons feel let down by Labour. 23% say they expected them to do well in government, but have been disappointed so far
Expected to be bad, and they have: 39%
Expected to be good, but have been disappointed: 23%
Expected to be bad, but have been better than expected: 3%
Expected to be good, and they have: 11%