The 8 Civilization upgrades @RoamResearch might enable.
The Pythons were lightyears ahead of its time.
#roamcult @Conaw @shuomi3 @NormanChella
Thread 👇
Roam allows for the cross-fertilization of ideas, enabling them to flow to new unconnected areas, where it can combine into new insights.
The best ideas occur when you combine multipe domains.
Roam helps you to keep sane, and improve your focus, mindset and even fight anxiety.
Keeping an Interstitial Journal or doing Morning / Evening Pages is almost effortless in
@RoamResearch, essential to #knowthyself
Roam helps you focus on your destination, and brainstorm the roads to get you there.
Doing weekly, monthly or quarterly check-ins on your Horizons, OKRs and Projects is easily scheduled and templatized.
#AllRoadsLeadToRoam HT @hardy_lisa_a
Roam's bidirectional linking and graph is extremely suitable to cultivate your Digital Garden, add to Evergreen notes and in general build a better Second Brain.
My writing inbox keeps growing.
By building clever hooks or iFTTT rules in Roam, you can write in a cold state what you *should* do when faced by anxiety, doubts etc.
I keep an "When x" iFTTT page in Roam, which I consult whenever I feel unfocused, anxious or tired.
I consider Roam to be a meta-education tool.
Curate insights diligently from Twitter, snippets from Readwise, and blend in Roam with your seedlings and evergreens.
Bonus: SRS for retention in your 1st Brain.
OK, it takes a certain character, but you can get a real buzz from mixing ideas to form new ones, and relating these to your horizons & goals.
Block embedding an idea on a page and discovering you had a similar thought 2 days ago...bliss!
Roam loves integrations, and is even more powerful when combined with the right tools and plugins.
Like @TextExpander for instant templates, or Eloquent for capturing ideas and send to Roam.