Chad Daybell is accused of 2 cts of concealment/destruction or alteration of evidence & 2 cts conspiracy to commit concealment/destruction or alteration of evidence.

Short break as prosecution and defense meets with Judge Eddins.
Hermosillo says JJ’s wrists were bound with duct tape as well as his ankles. A ball of duct tape around his hands.
Hermosillo says he asked her how he could reach Daybell/Vallow on whereabouts of JJ and Tylee.
Police knock on the door. Vallow answers. Lt. Ball asks if he can chat. Vallow says JJ is in AZ with one of her friends.
She says JJ is with Melanie Gibb. Alex Cox is also in the home at this time of the recording. She says she has had to move around a lot. She says her “other brother” is trying to kill her for “$2M life insurance.”
She then says her daughter Tylee Ryan goes to BYU Idaho. Vallow also claims she will move JJ back to AZ because of his special needs.
Det. Stubbs says email address belonged to Alex Cox. Search warrant of Google records returned data to police - thousands of pages.
Wood is getting to location pins and how Cox was placed at Daybell’s property multiple times in September.
Gibb says July or August of 2019 at her home in Chandler.
Gibb says affectionately, holding hands and kissing. At this time, Daybell was married to his wife Tammy.
Gibb says Vallow wanted to protect JJ from Kay & other family members.
1. Det. Ray Hermosillo ✅
2. Lt. Ron Ball ✅
3. Det. David Stubbs ✅
4. Wynn Hill ✅
5. Melanie Gibb
FBI Special Agent Benjamin Dean
FBI Special Agent Steven Daniels
FBI Agent Gary Lyu
Idaho St. Police Forensic Services - Rylene Nowlin
Gibb then asks Vallow about JJ about him going to Kay Woodcock’s house.
Vallow said she had to move him elsewhere.
Then she and Daybell tell Gibb they want to keep her protected. Gibb asks why Vallow told her to tell police JJ was w/ her. Vallow says family members were working w/ Kay against her. Vallow says JJ is “safe and happy” during the call.
Gibb: “Are you gonna come back?”
Vallow: “I will do whatever the Lord needs me to do.”
“Tammy dies, your husband died... in my gut it feels weird... I have always felt weird about these things.” - Gibb
“You know me Mel. It sounds like you’ve been influenced by someone dark.” - Vallow
A family member of Tammy tells me she was in great health.
Daybell also says he knew his wife would die for a few years.
The call starts to intensify w/ spiritual talk.
“I’m sorry that you don’t want to me protect my children.” - Vallow
“We’re both standing there with Jesus Christ.” - Vallow
Gibb says phone call cut off right after.
All parties agree to recess for the day and return tomorrow.
She just asked him to speak closer to the mic.
She confirms she lied to police & then told the truth 12/6/19. More than a week passed.
Gibb: “Not until a few months ago until they (Lt. Ball, Det. Hermosillo, Rob Wood) came to speak to me.”
“He asked me questions and I gave him answers.”
David Warwick and two of Wood’s staff were there along w/ Det. Hermosillo & other officers.
Prior is going down each month of 2020 to see if that is when she spoke to FBI. She can’t quite remember.
Gibb: “I would say yes.”
Now onto the 12/8/19 phone call recording. Gibb again confirms she was not prompted to do it by LE.
Prior asks about Tylee and JJ. Short questions and answers. Gibb says she wasn’t very close to the kids.
Prior moves to 9/22 when Gibb says she looked at real estate property near Daybell’s home w/ Warwick. CD wanted to show land to Warwick, to consider building there.
Now moving to biblical characters Gibb says she and Vallow talked about.
Judge again calls Prior out for interrupting Gibb at end of her answers.
Gibb says Vallow & Daybell understood her reference.
“Excuse my ignorance. I just didn’t understand,” says Prior.
Wood wants to briefly question Gibb.
Then on the morning of 9/23, Warwick says he went downstairs to say goodbye to everyone. Gibb & Vallow were there but not JJ.
“Are they seizing stuff again?” - Vallow
“They’yre searching.” - Daybell
Daybell would be arrested later that morning. They say I love you and hang up.
North side of pond area: Remains of JJ buried.
Pet cemetery next to fire pit: Remains of Tylee buried.
Both sites correspond to where GPS pings from Alex Cox’s phone came from 9/9 and 9/23.
FBI found pieces of charred bone, some still pink with tissue. ERT put them in bag and gave it to coroner.