1/13The Importance of Good Soil Tilth To The Horticulturist. By creating morden day hybrid vegetable varieties with enormous yield potential.Plant breeders have completely changed the nature of soil science in horticulture. Morden horticultural varieties are bred for many reason
2/13 but are all capable of exceptionally high yields. If the grower gets it right, with the right varieties he can achieve marketable yields of epic proportions. Commensurate with record breaking yields is a very high rate of plant metabolism for much longer periods than in the
3/13 past. This means a much higher rate of nutrient uptake must be maintained for a considerable part of the plant's life span. Soil factors like intensity(immediate available nutrient) and capacity (nutrient available for a period of time - usually the useful life of the crop)
4/13need to be raised with fertilizer in those parts of the soil which are critical to nutrient uptake, but the most important factor in nutrient uptake is the rate of root growth and the proliferation of roots in the soil. The root must continually grow into new soil because the
5/13 envelope of soil solution surrounding the root tip is quickly exhausted of nutrients and the root must move on.Roots are subject to the same trans-universal physical laws that govern our whole environment. If an aperture is too small they cannot pass through it. Roots do not
6/13 push soil particles apart but grow between them and if the inter-particular space is too small they cannot pass through but twist and turn until they can find a way forward.This results in energy waste a much smaller slower growing less efficient root system, correspondingly
7/13 decreased top growth with smaller photosynthetic capacity, increased incidence of disease in the weakened top growth and reduced yield and quality.Many well known factors contribute towards a good porous tilth such as incorporation of organic matter into the soil and the use
8/13 of leys and soil conditioners but all these take time. When a good tilth is required quickly @Charterseeds make use of different coefficients of expansions of different clay minerals. After carefully pulling clods to the surface in a manner which fits in with the layout of
9/13 the agricultural operation concerned, the clods are alternatively wetted and dried until a very small amount of applied pressure collapses the clods. Once tilth is created a fixed bed (continuous traffic) system is advocated where careful nurturing of the soil can create the
10/13 excellent drainage and high levels of soil oxygen conducive to record breaking yields. In addition to high yields other benefits accrue from good tilth. Good aggregated porous tilth allows maximum and equal root growth from each plant. The presence of stones or clods in the
11/13 root zone is not acceptable. A good healthy root system growing in a highly oxygenated environment is also associated with a healthy top crop with much less stem rot and leaf disease. Poor drainage and low oxygen levels in the soil are associated with premature senescence
12/13 and the early onset of disease. Disease very often breaks out in areas of poor drainage. So a good tilth is essential for growing high yielding, uniform profitable crops. If the grower gets it with the right crop variety for the market, absolutely outstanding results can
1/4 Farmers in the Lowveld, this is your chance to reap the benefits of horticulture. Because of the perfect winter temperatures, crops such as butternut, fine beans, tomatoes, watermelon, and peppers can be grown in open fields. Such crops cannot be grown in open fields in the
2/4 Highveld during the winter due to low temperatures and frost. You have an edge over the competition because of your perfect winter conditions. It hurts us that you aren't capitalizing on the competitive advantage that your favorable climate provides. We wish we had the same
3/4 mild climate because it would make horticulture much easier especially in winter. If you know what you can do with what you have, you have the ability to become Zimbabwe's horticulture hub. It is not too late to change your horticulture career direction. This is your chance
1/13 Tomato trellising and Pruning. The wet overcast conditions and low light intensity of the 2020-2021 rainy season has highlighted problems with trellising and pruning tomatoes. Loss of yield in tomatoes because of incorrect trellising was widespread, especially with the big
2/13 fast growing, high yielding long lasting varieties like Trinity, Star 9037 but determinate varieties like Star 9009,9011 were also affected. The objectives of trellising and pruning are manifold. Trellising significantly cuts down on harvesting loss, hail damage and sunburn
3/13 even with low growing ultra quicks like star 9008 and Zandra which are often not trellised. Apart from these objectives it's main objective must be maximizing of PAR(Photosynthetically Active Radiation) on the leaves and stems of the crops. The penetration of crop chemicals
1/4The horticultural farming landscape is dynamic. During my visit in Midlands and Matebeleland Provinces, I saw that a lot of people are getting an interest in horticulture. The major limiting factor in Matebeleland is water, most boreholes are drying out quickly. We are hoping
2/4 for good rains this year, so that it can improve the water table. The farmers in Nyamandlovu are doing quite well because they have enough water. The pictures above is an example of adopting to good agronomic practices. Mr Dhlaminiof Nyamandlovu grew 5 million plants of Onion
3/4 Irati @Charterseeds and Mr Setfree Nkomo of Warringham just planted 18600 plants of tomato Trinity open field. These crops were attributed by high level of concentration. In addition field visits are of utmost importance, they motivate farmers and gives them the zeal to push
1/6 Charter Seeds/Starke Ayres Sweetcorn, ready for the future. The Starke Ayres sweetcorn breeding program was started in the early 1990's.It has grown from very humble beginnings to the success it is today! The world class varieties produced from the program
2/6 quickly became popular with both local and international producers. The sweetcorn success story continues to the present day and is a long way from finished. Growers generally favour a strong plant with good disease resistance and a high yield potential. Supermarkets and
3/6 Consumers are more focused on quality, taste and shelf life. Commercial varieties that currently excel in the Starke Ayres line up include the following star 7714,7719 are later maturing, typical summer fresh market varieties. Both perform well in difficult summer growing
1/8 Soil requirements for tomatoes. A very high level of soil fertility is required for the profitable production of a successful tomato crop. The quality and quantity of tomato fruits are of crucial importance and are greatly influenced by the fertility and nutrient levels of
2/8 the soil. Tomatoes will grow moderately well over a wide range of soil types. However certain criteria have to be satisfied in terms of the soil structure and content to make it commercially viable. These factors include: Nutrient composition, Compaction, Effective soil depth
3/8 pH, Crop rotation, Herbicide residues, Water holding capacity. All these factors can have major influences on the resulting yield. The soil must permit adequate root growth to support the plant and supply water, oxygen and mineral nutrients and must be free of toxic elements.
1/5 Transplanting seedlings. The farmer should bear in mind the following when transplanting seedlings. Firstly the seedlings must be transplanted and watered as soon as possible after it has been obtained from the nursery. Seedlings should be placed vertically into the ground
2/5 and not side ways.This is to avoid a condition known as "J rooting".This condition results in a J shaped root system that ultimately decreases yield up to 50% or more, the root doesn't develop well, when it survives it doesn't grow well The farmer should ensure that seedlings
3/5 are planted at the correct depth in a little hole that has been formed into the ground prior to planting. If the seedlings are forced into the ground without a hole being prepared for them to be inserted into, the root system will be compromised and the plant will experience