Look, before we all head up to Count Dracula's castle with torches and wooden stakes, we need to talk about a little thing called "civility."
We all know Count Dracula is kidnapping our daughters and using dark magic to feed on their souls. Nobody is disputing that. But this talk of going to his home is unseemly.
This sort of gathering seems more appropriate outside the provincial bursar's office, or perhaps the chancellery building. But certainly not Count Dracula's castle, where he sleeps at night in his velvet coffin.
It's amazing what some people will tell themselves to make a half a million dollars a year working in a building built on broken dreams and paralyzed children.
I don't watch sports talk shows so I don't know what's going on here. Why do they all look like regionally-specific meth dealers? Why won't the one guy sit down? Is he going to the beach later? Why is Rodgers wearing a Rise of Skywalker hoodie? What's with the other guy's head?
I refuse to turn on the sound but it sure seems like that one guy has a lot to say right before his Uber arrives to take him to LA Fitness.
I honestly feel dumb roasting the tank top dude because on any given day in July I look exactly fucking like him minus the chain and 20% less hair product. If his gold watch is an 80s digital Casio then we're practically soulmates.
Does big pharma downplay safety risks in its products? Absolutely. Is that any different than any other product manufacturer in this county? Not at all. That's the price of their precious deregulation.
Yes, the FDA is toothless. Yes, there is too much risk across the board. But given the global scrutiny, I see more risk in starting a new allergy medicine or boner pill than this vaccine. The idea that anti-vax is about fundamental safety skepticism of our medicine is laughable.