I’ll try to keep up with all that happens. If I miss something key, let me know. Hope you’ll follow along.

Here are the high points from @OWHnews:

Logan: Well-publicized article about rising cases in Omaha. Had many, many parents reach out to us.
Logan: We will be getting it out before the first day of school. Aug. 18 will be virtual first day of school.
Logan: We had to distribute devices, and we wanted to be sure we gave our families and our teachers significant time to prepare for the shift from a 3/2 model. Preparing for a fully remote model requires some time.
Logan: I'd make that decision with our board of education. We'll be looking at a lot of factors.
Logan: Had a convo with our board president and understood what BoE was hearing from constituents. My phone pings every time there's a COVID alert.
Logan: As a community we have to live through this together. We cannot do this by ourselves. I would humbly ask employers to work with their parents and to be flexible.
Logan: We will continue what we did in the summer. Worked with a philanthropist for food distribution. We will continue. "We are hopeful that we will be able to move toward normalcy much quicker than we did in March."
Appreciate your feedback.
It is ridiculous for us to continue to think we can play with this virus. Dr. Logan did the right thing.
From @emily_nitcher: