In a message to the campus community, President Eisgruber writes that the pandemic’s impact prevents a genuinely meaningful on-campus experience for undergrads.
The deadlines for Add/Drop, Leave of Absence requests and first-year Deferral of Admission requests have each been moved to August 12.
A new round of applications is available in TigerHub for first-year students and juniors unable to learn at home due to high financial need and/or significant extenuating circumstances that make it impossible to secure alternative housing. Due August 12.
We invite all students who need help securing appropriate technology (hardware, software, internet connection) to fill out the Student Technology Needs Assessment survey by August 14.

Reminder: The fall 2020 semester begins on Monday, August 31.
View the full 2020-2021 academic calendar:

Those who can perform their duties remotely should continue to do so; those currently working on campus or anticipate doing so this fall will receive direction from their managers.
Despite financial impacts of the pandemic and inability to bring undergrads back to campus this fall, workforce retention remains a University priority, as does making effective use of everyone’s talents and energies to support #PrincetonU’s ongoing teaching & research.
We’re committed to ensuring that all students are able to learn effectively regardless of where they live and study. Additional information and resources are available:

@PrincetonGrad students: