Human lives.
Just kidding. I mean profits.
It is what they are there for.
But while the doctors, nurses & staffs perform heroic acts, money is the name of the game.2/
Pharma, in a position of power, decided to fight the bill until that clause was taken out. It was. 3/
Despite $500 million in government funding, Moderna announced their low price would be $32-$37. Flu vaccines are $16 to $25.
But there’s nothing to stop them. 4/
Meanwhile England’s Oxford vaccine is being developed without a profit.
But isn’t it worth it? What value do you place on a human life?
Answer: as high as you can get away with. 6/
They had to file in March while there were still few cases so they could get the $40 million additional benefit. 7/
They describe the pricing as humanitarian. Way to go Gilead. 8/
The drug companies have great scientists at work. Insurance companies are making massive amounts for doing ... nothing. 9/
People paying for care and not using it is great business. 10/…
Meanwhile insurance companies are warning they need to INCREASE premiums for next year because costs could spike back. 11/
Their prices doubled from $50 to $100. And part of the reason for the backlog is there’s no requirement and therefore labs don’t want to invest in equipment they might not need. 12/
Small businesses, college students & others joined the PPE free for all as the Trump Admin eases regulations.
$2 masks began selling for $5.
We may have had 200,000 excess deaths to their 303. But how do Toh make a buck in South Korea? 14/
$19 billion to 5100 vendors $130M never made its way anywhere. 16/
Unemployment insurance expired a week ago.
Food programs are unfounded.
Eviction moratoria are over.
McConnell believes more support isn’t urgent.18/
We’ve created a system that says “we’ll help but, but first what’s in it for me?” 20/
Formula: Low tax rates, no regulations, fewer employees, and a key to the treasury.
Why is this the American way? 21/
It should have said /end.
Have a great weekend. Andy