U.S GEC Special Report: Russia’s Pillars of Disinformation and Propaganda The Kremlin bears direct responsibility for cultivating these tactics and platforms as part of its approach to using information as a weapon. state.gov/russias-pillar…
🚩official government communications,
🚩state-funded global messaging,
🚩cultivation of proxy sources,
🚩weaponization of social media, and
🚩cyber-enabled disinformation.
narratives. This report also focuses specific attention
on Russia’s tactic of leveraging proxy voices that proliferate pro-Kremlin disinformation and propaganda."
brought to our attention by Rep. Eric Swalwell
these actors muddy the waters of the information environment in order to confuse those trying to discern the truth.The perpetual conflict that Russia sees in the information environment also means that "
▶️The US says Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach is part of this effort. He has worked with Giuliani to smear Biden.