I should note that despite such overlapped, vertically stacked (two rows) shield walls showing up a lot in fiction/movies, that's not how they worked historically. 1/13
That said, I think vertical stacking here actually is a good idea for strategic reasons: it cannot advance. 2/13
But remember, whatever the tactics of the moment, *strategically* the protestors are trying to draw attention to police violence, not defeat the police in a street-fight. 3/13
Win the battle and you'll escalate matters and lose the war. 4/13
This is a *super* common theme of all sorts of asymmetric contests: get the big conventional force to overreact and use its massive violence to spread your message. 6/13
Thus as with war, discipline and cohesion here matter the most - not to do violence, but to *restrain* your violence to make the violence of the opponent clear. 10/13
Consequently, they are winning, with huge polling shifts in recent months on a number of related issues. 12/13
But for now, it's not hard to see which side has the strategic initiative. end/13
Police reform is the best way for the *police* to win too.