(Written by someone who teaches the political & legal foundations of emergency management, not just watched a single House of Cards episode five years ago.)
~This is good~
The problem was that not ALL types of assistance had been granted by FEMA/ WH.
Then it ran out at the start of this month and Congress couldn’t reach a new deal. cnbc.com/2020/08/06/wil…
In fact, you could argue that this is the approach that should have been taken all along.
The WH can waive the match whenever they want. This happens.
Here's the National Governor's Association requesting this back in April: nga.org/policy-communi…
Yup, and many of them already have (remember the Washington request)! I don’t have a convenient list of every state's request from March/ April but many states requested “All Individual Assistance”...
For the states that didn’t include it in their initial declaration request they can just update their request. That’s not a big deal at all.
They would start using the Disaster Relief Fund to pay for unemployment. They can legally do that and again, it’s not a bad use of disaster funds. The pandemic IS A DISASTER.
Here’s some background on the fund:
The answer is yes and no, IMO.
It’s not sustainable.
Congress needs to create a long term solution.
The connotation is that he is stealing money from FEMA.
That is quite literally with the money is for...
You have to do both.
A. It depends on exactly how much they’re spending. They said $44 billion in the memorandum. I’m not sure where that came from but I did some very back of the envelope math and here's my guess:
Seriously, please read about the Fund here: crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/…
If this Congress can’t agree on COVID relief would they agree on earthquake or hurricane relief?
**Congress needs to act. We need actual testing and mask mandates and all other kinds of things to manage the pandemic effectively.**
Emergency management is an actual profession and discipline of study with experts that you can consult.