Ward 2 Clr Jason Farr had similar difficulty, and is now being heard.
This is a courtesy which Council does not extend to regular residents who often have to sit for hours on end before being allowed to speak.
Notes Council does not determine police operational budget, this is the Police Board, would these delegations be better sent to Police Service Board?
Danko asks if appropriate to refer to Police Board, moves a motion to do so.
Merulla seconds the motion.
Answer, he has not responded to the requests from Council to attend.
Clr Partridge says she supports referring delegation requests to Police Board.
Clr Merulla supports referral as well.
"CNN is not the Canadian News Network" to which Clr Pearson, in the chair, chuckles.
This is true, as Head of Council, Eisenberger runs the Council with most illegal closed meetings in Ontario
Our Police Board is one of the least transparent as well.
He claims they'd be welcome to delegate.
If they apply to Police Board, the process is months long before delegates heard
He opposes referral, he wants them denied and people told to separately apply to Police Board to delegate.
Notes Council regularly hears delegations on matters which are not related to its Municipal Act authorities.
Take note of this when Council complains later today about how long their meeting is taking.
Passes unanimously. #HamOnt

Says the 2026 Games bid is an "entirely different opportunity and process" than 2030 and other international games.
Says they are focused on city priorities, not the games.
Says that Hamilton is in line for funding from higher levels of government, hosting a Games will move Hamilton to front of the line.
Lacrosse will be played at Six Nations.
"We speak for them", he says of the bid group.
Says the Games will "give our kids a better chance"

No other city wants to bid, Hamilton is the only city with a group (private in our case) expressing interest.
He has not said anything of note, and hasn't added anything of value to the bid presentation.
Nope, they've cancelled the bid process because nobody is bidding.
Says he is glad Council delayed decision, because more is being learned about the Games as time passes.

Jackson has been debating his position, said he was leaning towards a no vote during the July Council GIC meeting.
Fed CEO says there are but they are focused upon Hamilton.
He did not provide specifics of these other interested bidders.
His is a vote to watch for this reason.
When does the City Council have to make a decision on hosting the 2026 Games.
Hopes to come back to Council in September.
Commonwealth Games:
"Support in Principle" by end of September from all three levels of government.
Notes it is only six years away.
What will be the timeline needed for final approvals, multi-party agreement.
Then multi-party agreement follows.
"Principle terms is the most important piece", says Commonwealth Games Canada CEO.
Asking more questions on the timelines for hosting a 2026 Games.
Generalities are the answer in response.
Notes that a comment made earlier, regarding 'lashes on our backs' was unfortunate.
Asking how long it will take post-Games for new affordable housing units, which will be the athletes housing during the games, to be transferred to housing Hamiltonians.
Takes 2 to 3 months post games.
question on how they will engage the public, especially those who cannot easily access online platforms.
Clr Nann:
If, due to COVID, there are no 2022 Games in Birmingham, do they have "bumping rights" to then host the 2026 Games in Birmingham post-COVID?
There is no current thinking about shifting 2022 to 2026, as they incur more cost and time lag.
Focus is to safely and responsibly deliver in 2022, then safely and responsibly in 2026.
In regards to cost overruns, these games are being framed as "zero cost" to the City. Looking at other games, people are concerned. Who pays for cost overruns, will this be part of September presentation?
She says she is being lax on rules because there is an international delegation today.
Will we be able to have staff answer questions?
Answer is a staff report is coming forth in September.
GM of Finance Mike Zegarac (who covered up the Red Hill, Cootes, and IT National Front leader) is the staff member leading on the Commonwealth Games Bid team.
This is something to watch for.
Mayor @FredEisenberger supports "double-dipping", he does it himself as Canada's second highest paid mayor.
"It seems to be a very glossy sales report, but for me it is lacking a little in substance" he says of the presentation.
"Do we have what the budget will be?"
"We do not have that".
Cites recent budgets of Games.
Notes that every previous Games have been funded by local governments
How is it that Hamilton will have no impact on the levy?
Private sector and in-kind, ticket sales, can be counted towards the host municipal share.
Past Commonwealth Games in Canada have been funded
50% Federal
25% Provincial
25% Municipal
How can the private bid group project 80% fed/prov funding?
Clr Clark notes 2015 Pan Am was a provincial initiative, thus the province paid for it and the significant cost overruns.
Would you support a plebiscite on the Games?
[This is a odd argument for Clark, who pays for a plebiscite, and Clark often notes people elect leaders to make decisions] @BCouncillor
Cites Calgary plebiscite against bidding on the Olympics .
"In-kind contributions do impact the levy"
Clark notes the City paid for its properties, could sell them and use the funds to decrease its infrastructure decision. Staff time has a cost.
Clark "on that we agree" says he would've never advised a client to claim no levy impact when there is an impact.
Says he is supporting this games as it will bring affordable housing.
(Merulla has traditionally argued against Games as circuses)
The overall Games budget is $1-billion, we don't have a breakdown, but affordable housing is only part of the pie, not close to whole pay.
Says people opposing Commonwealth Games are "keyboard morons" and "laughable".
What would be the impact of FIFA in Toronto in 2026 on the Commonwealth Games.
Answer: no overlap, it will be a "super summer of sport for the Golden Horseshoe".
Will FIFA drain sponsorship away from Pan Am?
A non-answer in response.
I'm hearing many references to senior orders of government, and conversations with them. Who is having those conversations, and what is their purpose?
bid group has been sharing information.
Wilson trying to get a firm answer on who is ultimately responsible in the event of a games deficit.
Eventually, Commonwealth Canada says traditionally it's the province.
@IndwellCA saying 3,000 new units, they are already planning 3000 new units (have not yet secured funding for this) rockonlocke.ca/news/indwell-s…
Says the City has had no influence over the 2026 Games, and is being asked to fund it.
Wants clear answers on what the City is committing to.
Asks City Manager to respond.
Zegarac says Council approved working on 2030, but staff do not have direction to work on 2026.
Staff need more details on 2026 to provide a report in September.
Zegarac is indicating he is not, just providing public info to the group.
Hard to know which of them to believe on this.
"The reality is 2030 had that 100 year anniversary wrapped around it"
"how are we going to celebrate that 100 year anniversary in 2026?" is the Mayor's question.
We could have a festival in 2030, nothing can take away that legacy.
Open to ways to celebrate Hamilton being the founding place.
Commonwealth Games Federation:
"A distinct opportunity in 2026 to reforge a new model"
I'm struggling to understand how Birmingham will spend $1.3-billlion and get 1,400 affordable housing units.
Hamilton is being told it will get 3,000 affordable units while spending $1.1-billion? How do we get $1-billion for housing when overall budget is $1.1B?
Housing is a separate funding envelope, separate funding sources.
as a prepared speech, delivering it now.
Thanks the bid team for all their work in the community, speaking about his support for past gaming events.
Grey Cups, Ticats, Memorial Cups, 3 NHL bids
"All Commonwealth Bids up until now"
- now listing the past Commonwealth Games bids, and the number of times they've rejected Hamilton.
He is speaking loudly for effect.
Then he hears Hamilton is not a top bidder for 2030 Games, then suddenly 2026?
Then "they come begging" to Hamilton "we desparately need you ... Commonwealth Games can't go eight years without Games"
"2026 means nothing to me" nor the residents of the East Mountain
Commonwealth Games corp "have kicked this long-time faithful supportive Councillor in the gut one too many times"
Cites City's COVID deficit and needs.
Voting against the Commonwealth Games, Hamilton has bigger priorities.
I heard both Mercanti and Staff say they need Council to vote today to give authority for staff to work with the 2026 private bid group, do we have to vote today?
Legislative Assistant:
At this point, there are no motions on the floor.
Staff need direction, and that will have to be discussed.
Can we afford to do these Games?
"I don't see a long lineup of people looking to bid on the 2026 Games"
Hamilton has a $3-billion deficit for municipal infrastructure.
There is a clear record of games costs from elsewhere, these don't change.
We can use COVID stimulus to address ongoing needs and infrastructure deficit. Opposed to Commonwealth Games.
Says he is confident that the 2026 Commonwealth Games could bring more funds to Hamilton than other initiatives, says it is premature to say no, only asking for information.
Now talking about how Council needs to move forward to find out if senior levels of government will fund Commonwealth Games, and $1-billion for affordable housing.
He's not saying he is asking the Games, but his support is now being hedged.
2026 is good governance, it means affordable housing four years earlier than 2030.
What staff resources are needed to create a staff report for Sept 9?
Challenge, five to six staff needed, staff are busy on COVID response and post-COVID planning.
Ferguson wanted to second.
Voting underway.
Whitehead demands Burley apologize for highlight Merulla's comments, Whitehead says that Burley failed to meet the dignity required of a delegation.
Burley stands by his statement regarding behaviour at Council.
Would you say Council should not make a decision without information.
You don't have information, the fact is that government pays for games and cost overruns.
Burley is a good lawyer, and Whitehead is clearly outmatched.
Burley reminds Whitehead the answers to his questions were in Burley's presentation.
"Tell me something, what exactly did I say that was insulting to you"
"You went on a rant about keyboard morons ... eating pizza in their pyjamas ... in their basement"
It is beneath the dignity of this Council, "but not below the dignity of you".
Clr Merulla makes a legal threat against Burley, the Chair Maria Pearson allows it to stand. #decorumwatch
Burley responded to Merulla with the following:
"You went on a rant about keyboard morons ... eating pizza in their pyjamas ... in their basement"
It is beneath the dignity of this Council, "but not below the dignity of you".
Paraphrases Nann's comment on LRT that it could be an artery of equitable recovering from COVID
She is encouraging Council to support the games.
He supports the bid, says it is about city building.
Build new recreation centres, splash pads "for all the children to enjoy"
He is opposed to the Games, it is not the right answer to recover from COVID.
Thanks those who put together the bid for their work.
This is a good delegation.
would you expect your Councillor to make decisions without all the facts in front of them.
The track record of Games have been presented to you, I would not expect my Councillor to commit to something like this.
In 1930, there were a depression and Hamilton successfully used the Empire Games to recover.
Hosting reduces municipal resources for priority concerns, it is a risky mega-games. Says that stand in solidarity with Indigenous peoples, cites legacy of colonialism of the British Empire
Citing past games cost overruns.
Gangaram is giving more good arguments against the Commonwealth Games.
A wise proponent would stop questioning, as it is giving Gangaram more opportunity to speak well
"I supported affordable housing before it was cool", says those opposed to the games are opposed to affordable housing and Indwell.
Mayor says they don't need to respond to Commonwealth deadlines.
And they are now on recess.
PHCs in soil from past vehicle mechanic shop on site.
Will facilitate development of a 2 storey commercial bldg, and 166 townhouses.
Passes unanimously.
$1.1-mil required to replace end panels in the stands.
Decision to be delayed a month to give Ontario Sports Solutions a chance to view the problem prior to Council making a decision on funding replacement.
$8-million in new debt for the City to finance, 5% interest rate, 15yrs repayment.
Still need to finance $9.4-mil of station.
Consultant being hired for final costing and finance strategy.
Another $3.7m as part of 2021 budget
Deputy City Solicitor Michael Kyne noting they don't have much information yet of how the new rules will be implemented or work in practice.
School boards may need to use recreation facilities for classroom space.
Number of people using pools is low, no line-ups or waiting for time slots, say City Staff.
What are the trends on community transmission in COVID-19?
Where are these transmissions occuring?
[There were 10 new cases today, a significant uptick from 3/4 average past few weeks.]
- community transmission is happening
- can't pinpoint where it is occurring
There is more social interactions in the community, he says.
Emerg Ops Centre will review this in late Summer / early Fall.
Council Chambers will need to be changed to enable distancing.
Discussion of the strong safeguards of the app.
Dr. Tran says a preliminary report on demographics will come to Council in September.
If there is an outbreak in schools, does the local Medical Officer of Health have authority to close a school?
Dr. Tran is not not clear from the Province on authorities related to school.
Deputy City Solicitor says the businesses are violating the by-law by not allowing exception based upon claim.
Council still has closed session to follow, and more items on the agenda.
The new by-law version is terribly written, has broad and unlimited enforcement rules, and heavier fine for "obstruction" of physical distancing investigation. #yhmcc
Asking questions about if the City of Hamilton need to have a by-law to enforce distancing outdoors?
Clr Clark suggesting refunds, Clr Pauls takes issue with sub-claim BIAs not consulting with mbrs.
They will discuss
- potential consequences (for taxpayers not themselves) of their Cootes cover-up
- legal battle regarding encampments
- "potential for major events in 2022/2023" (no idea what they are hiding from us on this) #HamOnt
Long vague closed sessions are a hallmark of this Council, secrecy and cover-ups. In this case, they are talking about the Cootes cover-up.
This is ridiculous.
Clr Nann is demanding a split vote on the matter.
9-4 vote
New Councillors (Wilson, Nann, Danko) & Johnson oppose
(which is a huge red flag something is up)
Council votes to keep the report and information secret. #HamOnt

Clr Jackson is concerned about the title of the report
This title gave us (the public) info Council did not want us to have.
Good night.