1) Pastor Chris | For destroying the fear of Covid, leading the world to pray, and teaching biblical truths which exposed the nefarious gang up against humanity --
2) @realDonaldTrump | For showing the world Hydroxy Chloroquine, fighting the Deep State politically, leading the world to pray twice, declaring the Church as essential during the lockdown, and representing the Church and standing against the lamestream media ---
3)Tanzanian President | For exposing the #CovidTestKitScam by testing Anne the PawPaw and a certain goat, who came out positive. For leading his country to pray, caged WHO, ended Covid Fake data, and declared his country free of Covid ---
4) @TuckerCarlson | For constantly exposing @CNN and other Deep State Media, exposing the truth on Covid regularly, became the most watched TV show, and unapologetic about the truth! Great guy!!
5) Front Line Doctors who came out with the truth. @raoult_didier @stella_immanuel 2 calif. doctors who came out in April, and many others who did viral videos, got censored, but leaked the truths and lies of Covid. Thank you for standing by the truth
6) All the people who defied and are still in defiance to #CovidLies individuals and groups, governments, politicians, entrepreneurs, etc; who contributed to dragging Mr Gates and his friends constantly. Thank you for the great work. You're a the real covid hero!
7) This last set are not heroes. They were bought to do evil: Google, Facebook, Twitter, front line killer doctors, WHO, Dr Fauci, CDC, NCDC, Deep State, Deep Church, Deep People, CNN, and other lamestream media, DSTV, and so on. Your #LakeOfFire is heating up.