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Jul 2 9 tweets 3 min read
Today, I'll be sharing top 8 beneficiaries of Bill Gates' grants in Nigeria to 317 organizations.
A thread.
It is important to follow the money, especially when we are shouting GMO and it seems like many are silent. It's because money is inside their throat.

#7 - Health Strategy & Delivery Foundation 39m USD #6 Technical Advice Connect LTD/GTE- 46.9m USD
This organization is a Nigerian company directly owned by Bill Gates.

"As an innovative platform, we respond to state TA priorities to promote sustainable improvements in state Primary Healthcare (PHC) systems’ performance and increase uptake of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) services."

If you want to know why he's investing in Primary Health Care, see what his Vaccine Organization said here:

So right now, if you check his grants, a lot is circled around Primary Health…Image
Aug 11, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
As we finally #stopcovidlies I'd like to celebrate my #CovidHeroes; people who fought and stood for the right cause;
1) Pastor Chris | For destroying the fear of Covid, leading the world to pray, and teaching biblical truths which exposed the nefarious gang up against humanity -- #CovidHeroes
2) @realDonaldTrump | For showing the world Hydroxy Chloroquine, fighting the Deep State politically, leading the world to pray twice, declaring the Church as essential during the lockdown, and representing the Church and standing against the lamestream media ---