You've been lied to. Vegetables aren't the superfood healing elixirs they've been made out to be
Two big claims that may scare you:
1. Vegetables aren't the healthiest foods
2. Vegetables may actually be harmful for many people
Read on
Below is my rendition:
- Unhealthy: Doesn’t help with the body’s nutrient requirements. Has adverse consequence
- Healthy: Satisfies the body’s nutrient requirements. No adverse consequences.
How do vegetables stack up?
Animals are the ONLY source where we can get ALL our macro and micronutrient needs
This is why vegan's medicine cabinets look like a pharmacy
Yes, some vegetables are high in nutrients. But animal products are a better source of almost every single one.
In the case where plants are high in a nutrient, they have a form that is less bioavailable & less functional than the animal form:
K1 vs K2
Vitamin A carotene vs Vitamin A retinol
Non heme vs heme iron
B6 pyridoxal vs pyridoxine
LA vs AA
The same cannot be said about animal products.
And the problem is that many vegetables can DAMAGE your health.
Let me explain:
The icing on the cake – or the butter on the steak – for the carnivore diet is that vegetables are actually harmful to many people
Vegetables do not want to be eaten (shocker to all the Karen's out there)
They produce defense mechanisms to fend off predators
Two of the most damaging lectins are gluten and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA).
The gluten fear is annoying, but warranted. WGA is less well known but as dangerous.
It's also in the bran, meaning whole wheat is worse for you.
Animal products provide all of the nutrients you need in their most bioavailable form. And they remove all of the inflammatory vegetable components.
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