Here's a thread 🧵 1/x
So, this represents an intended, not actual or immediate change. 5/x
Directly impacted people gave evidence for charges of displacement, underfunding of public health, police brutality, & anti-immigrant policies & found the city guilty.… 8/x

- $90M: RISE Fund
- $4M: Equity Office
- $10M: Austin Public Health
- $115M: Low-income housing (A “public strike fund” to buy land, apt bldgs & support families with homes in flood plains) 11/x
- $3.7M: Austin Public Health
- $6.5M: supportive housing & services for homeless people, which is related but distinct from the funding that will slow displacement of currently housed residents. 12/x
Yes, this is what we are really asking—to reduce the size of APD so that it cannot exercise this scale of violence against our community. 20/x
It means: let’s imagine a world where we don’t rely on cops, cages, and other punitive approaches to keep us safe. 24/x
It’s NOT bold change and does NOT rectify long-standing inequities experienced by BIPOC. We are taking action in greater numbers than ever before in your lifetimes & will be watching you as you deliberate on this budget. #DefundAPD 27/x