🧫bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from RT-PCR-positive patient (ICU-06 in Spike tree=WIV04/2019 virus)
🧫successfully isolated nCoV-2019
124 BetaCoV/Wuhan/WIV04/2019 in Vero and Huh7 cells
🦠cytopathic effects (CPE) seen…
🧫nasopharyngeal swab from RT-PCR positive patient
🧫isolated using Vero/hSLAM cell line
🦠CPE seen, virions seen by EM of culture
🦠RT-PCR showed ⬆️viral RNA levels over time in culture…
🧫nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal samples used
🧫isolated using Vero cells
🦠CPE seen, virions seen by EM of culture
🦠RT-PCR showed ⬆️viral RNA levels over time in culture…
🧫swab from upper airways & sputa (n=23)
🧫isolated using Vero clone 118 cells
🦠CPE was seen
🦠rabbit antisera against a SARS-CoV NP reacted with infected cells…
🧫isolated using Ver-CCL-81 cells
🦠CPE was seen
🦠RT-PCR showed used to confirm viral growth…
🧫faecal samples (n=2)
🧫isolated using Vero E6 cells
🦠CPE was seen, virions seen by EM of culture
🦠patient antisera reacted in an immunofluorescent assay
But it CLEARLY shows that infectious, viable, "live" SARS-CoV-2 virus *has* been isolated by different labs & from different people, all over the world.