= the word "religion " is not defined
- in a mathematical bracket
=is left to the loose interpretation of the claimant
Whether = Religion = a particular(group) of philosophies
-with common characters/variables
In abrahamics-there is no
"philosophy(singular/multiple[set of] thereof)"
xtianity = 10 commandments
[The #JNU professor clones ]--who went on a rampage--declaring each & every subset of a centuries old blended society-a diff religion
Sikhism/Buddhism/Jainism/Tribals==were strived2be painted as Diff religions--Not as Hindus-2cut-off the hindu majority mass
So-now--with the aid of predatory abrahamics
#PalgharSadhuLynching syndrome erupts-comfortable4laal salam
/intellectual imposters/fraudsters-=paved cakewalk way--fr further delusional logic
-> minority status->minority rights->minority religion->giving way2 a queer situation where-
-2their wishes/benefits