I love the thirst for subpoenas.
They need to be held accountable for their sabotage.
If the last 3.5 years have taught us anything - it’s that accountability is a pipe dream until we regain control.
The only answer is to out-organize them.
But the Republicans want us running in circles, outraged, chasing our tail - so that we’re not focused on the one thing that can ruin their plan:
Registering voters.
Informing voters.
Driving turnout.
Now is the moment to commit yourself. Now.
Explore here:
He caged kids. Did we stop him? No.
He extorted Ukraine. Was he held accountable? Not really.
He profited off the presidency in contravention of Emoluments Clause. Did he lose his job? Nope.
Chance = zero.
So let’s focus on what we CAN do.
Register. Inform. Turn ‘em out.
That’s it. That’s the recipe.
But the VAST bulk of activist energy needs to be dedicated to ousting Trump & the GOP in Nov.
If you despise Trump & you’re not taking action to register, inform or turnout voters, re-evaluate.