Detail level is great.
However, there are corrections needed that shed a different light onto the topic.
Most importantly:
Several of the described measures were reduced & K-12 back since end May, no masks
15/04 when schools reopened there were 185 daily cases (Beware: only people with medium to severe symptoms who needed medical attention where tested)
When decision was made 06/04, we had 278 daily cases.…

No such announcement was made (to my knowledge) when schools reopened.
(Is there a source for the contrary?)
Before, regulation was changed to apply lotion after each washing, which didn’t really help (at least not my kids).
Limited recommendation for masks (if e.g. sick on way to isolation) was introduced 04/07.
Recommendation for masks in public transport during rush hours 31/07.
Children below 12y excluded.……
18/05 K-10 returned to school.…
27/05 remaining classes returned to school…

Biggest increase of infections was observed in age group 13-19y who were NOT back at school. Which caused political discussion, resulting in prioritization of getting them back as well in May.
Left: # of tests
Right: # of positive results

Strict cohorting and distancing in between adults are kept, allowing parents to enter facilities only under certain circumstances.…
- information campaign
- working from home
- oldest pupils back to remote (above K-10)
- masks in public transport
- increased testing (incl. moving test capacity from other areas)
- visiting restrictions in hospitals/nursing homes
- reopening phase 4 for whole Denmark cancelled -> max 100 people gatherings allowed; restaurants, bars close midnight
Other measures:
- 24h response time for test results
- masks distributed to pharmacies from central stock…
- as many activities as feasible outdoors
- masks required in public transport (excl. pre-schoolers)
Remark: general advice in Aarhus is to avoid public transport