unseen1 Profile picture
Aug 16, 2020 89 tweets 17 min read Read on X
So you all don't forget the special moments, I'm putting a thread together of the Good times, good times tweets of today so they are in one place. Enjoy
You all remember that time Trump said he was going to redo NAFTA & the left laughed & said it couldn't be done & employed Justin from Canada to stop it & then Trump got Mexico to sign on with a threat of tariffs & then USMCA was passed & NAFTA was dead? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Trump tweeted that those bastards from the Obama administration SPIED on his campaign, family, transition & presidency and the fake media called it a conspiracy theory &then Obama FBI lawyer pled guilty to forging docs to SPY? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump placed a travel ban on certain countries and the left had a hissy fit and gathered together to cry at airports and sued saying he didn't have authority to do it and then the SCOTUS said Trump was right & did have it? Good times, good times
U all remember that time that Trump campaigned on ending TPP & the left said he was lying thinking he was lying like Hillary &would never cancel TPP &then Trump got elected & one of the first things he did was end TPP &the dems become a little more insane? Good times, good times
U all remember that time Trump blew up that terrorist guy from Iran& the left cried at one of their heroes being blown up &said it would cause mass war in the Middle East &terrorism here at home & then nothing happened except a peace deal with Israel &UAE? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Trump said he was going to get NATO to pay more for their defense and the left accused him of being a Russian agent and Trump didn't give a shit & kept pushing NATO to pay up and then they paid? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time the Creepy porn lawyer(CPL) and the Tempest in the DDcup said they would take down Trump and then the CPL was arrested for extortion on Nike and the Tempest in the DDcup was ordered to pay Trump's legal bills? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the left tried to say drinking beers in college disqualified you for the SCOTUS &brought in fake accusers to derail the appointment&then Trump told them they were nuts &stood firm and his guy was appointed to the SCOTUS? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump gave one of the best SOTU speeches in the past 40 years&then Queen Nancy couldn't take it anymore &got so mad she ripped up the speech on the house floor while fire was coming out of her eyes like a demon? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the left wanted to got to war over some Saudi Arabian terrorist that wrote a couple columns for the Washington post & Trump said it wasn't worth going to war over so we didn't & then the left had a break down, again? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Trump tweeted that those bastards from the Obama administration SPIED on his campaign, family, transition &presidency and the fake media called it a conspiracy theory and then Obama FBI lawyer pled guilty to forging docs to SPY? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump went to the G7 and they pretended to be nice and then as Air force was taking off Justine from Canada came out and tried to stab Trump in the back but his fake eyebrow fell off & the only thing people did was laugh? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump was eating a "beautiful piece of chocolate cake" with the president of China and then Xi found out that Trump was bombing the hell out of a enemy airport in Syria while enjoying his cake? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Trump held up a bible in front of a church that was vandalized by the "peaceful demons" & then the demons in the fake media began speaking in tongues saying how evil it was for Trump to do something like that? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump removed net neutrality and Queen Nancy said we were all going to die in an Armageddon & then we all died and were reborn with faster internet speeds? Good times, good times
You all remember that time Trump slapped tariffs on China and the left said it would cause untold misery, economic ruin, & massive unemployment and then we had one of the greatest economic booms in modern times with the lowest unemployment? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the left thought a perfect phone call was grounds for impeachment so they made up some fake bullshit and impeached Trump & then we had Acquitmas parties as Trump won and was acquitted forever on both made up charges? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump moved 50 soldiers out of harm's way in Syria & the left said it would lead to Armageddon and ABC showed a massive explosion saying the Kurds were being bombed/killed but it turned out the explosion was in Kentucky? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the left thought their hero Mueller was going to come out & take Trump down and then Mueller time arrived and he informed everyone that absolutely nothing was in his purview and the left cried in their wine, again? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Stephen Miller had to school Jim Acosta on US immigration &the Statue of Liberty poem not being the basis for our immigration policy& then Jim said only people from UK&Australia are the only foreigners that speak English? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Pope Francis attacked Trump repeatedly over the 2016 campaign& then took his first trip abroad as President &went to the Vatican and gave the pope books written by a man who was named for the guy who started the reformation? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Justin Amash fell for the fake media's false love& attacked Trump &then he was forced to leave the Republican party &then ran for POTUS as a libertarian &dropped out like 2 days later &then said he won't run for re-election? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Trump said he would build a Wall &the left laughed &spent years fighting him every step& made it their top priority to stop Trump from building a wall but failed since Trump will have built more than 300mi of wall before election? Good times, good times
You all remember that time where our hippocampi was triggered by a "mature" doctor speaking like a little ditzy girl about something that happened 40 years ago &then Brett came out and unleashed righteous justice throughout the Senate with his calendars? Good times, good times.
By special request (last one for the night. pinky swear)

You all remember that time that Trump went to Japan & CNN showed him feeding fish & tried to make a scandal out of it and then the whole video came out and we discovered CNN faked the whole thing? Good times, good times.
*Update* going to add some from last week and today to keep try to keep them all in one place. Record keeping so bare with me if you saw these before. Wish there was another way but Twitter won't allow me to add them all at once. So, I have to add them one at a time.
You all remember that time that Obama broke the law and sent $400 million in cash to Iran by plane in the middle of the night to get 4 Americans released and then Trump said hold my beer and got more than 21 hostages released for free? Good times, good times.
U all remember that time Trump threatened Tariffs on Mexico & the dems, GOPe, & fake media said it was a gimmick & wouldn't work & then Mexico caved &sent 27,000 troops to guard their border & stopped most illegal immigration & pushed Canada to sign USMCA? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Obama and the democrats told us that if we attacked ISIS we would just cause ISIS to expand and then Trump came along and bombed the hell out of ISIS and wiped them from the face of the earth without causing more to form? Good times, good times
You all remember that time DC was fighting for years over the Keystone and Dakota pipelines and then Trump took care of the entire issue within 4 days after being sworn into office and the left were so caught unawares they couldn't even form a protest?

Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump played with Mitt and his mittbots for weeks dangling the SoS position out there for him to see how much he and they would grovel for it and then he gave it to someone else? Good times, good times
You all remember that time the Republicans passed a tax cut & not one single Democrat voted for it; going so far as to call them crumbs then millions got a bonus and a tax cut and then economy boomed while the Dems' dream of a recession want up in smoke? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Sen. majority leader Reid and Obama thought they would pack the courts & removed the filibuster on lower federal court judges then they lost the Senate in 2014 and then Trump and McConnell filled all those vacant seats?
Good times, good times
You all remember that time they held a vote on tax cuts and not one Democrat in either house voted to lower your taxes and then they called them crumbs and then they declared they will even take those crumbs back from us but Trump won't let them?

Good times, good times
U all remember that one time that the Dems decided to impeach Trump without a crime & had Shifty Schiff make up all kinds of lies & waddled out Big Mac Naddy to declare that the separation of powers is all nonsense & then Trump won & was acquitted forever? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time when Mueller had a press conference and then said some things and the press had an orgasm for a day and then the next day no one outside the press cared and by the next week no one remembered what he said? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time Comey the snake leaked his memos to the NYT to get a SC appointed and the left thought the entire Trump family was going to jail and then the SC ended with no indictments of anyone even close by marriage to Trump's family? Good times, good times..
You all remember that time that the FLOTUS wore a jacket that told the fake media/the left to go to hell and the enrire fake media/left were too stupid to figure out what the jacket meant?

Good times, good times...
You all remember that time when Trump went to bat for Queen Nancy to make sure she got the Speakership and then Queen Nancy showed she was a 3rd rate politician and her stupidity helped Trump to have his highest approval ratings during his presidency? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump returned NASA's mission to one of space exploration and to go boldly where no man has gone before instead of "Muslim outreach" and then the media screamed about global warming for a couple days?

Good times, good times.
You all remember that time when all the politicians and talking heads said no one could bring a peace deal to the Middle East and then they said the Obama's Arab Spring was great and ISIS formed and then Trump destroyed ISIS and brought a peace deal to ME? Good times, good times.
U all remember that time that Trump visited the Queen of England & the left swooned when that douchebag Rod held a news conference on "muh Russia" to distract from Trump's trip but then they cried fat tears when he only came up with some russia troll farm? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the left thought they had a perfect foil for Trump with Comey but then Trump noticed him in hiding amongst the drapes and then fired him when he was 3,000 miles away and Comey only found out from watching the fake media? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Queen Nancy in a ragefit disinvited Trump from delivering the SOTU during the gov shutdown &then Trump canceled her air force flight for her vacation& then she rode around DC in a bus until she caved &thenTrump gave the SOTU? Good times, good times
Okay up to date for Aug. Will probably add any new ones here after I tweet them. I tend to think of these on the fly and if I wait to find the thread to update it IRT a lot of times I lose the thought then I have to force it and they aren't as good.
You all remember that one time the democrat party decided to hold a fake convention from their basements and then no sane person watched it and then it got probably the worst ratings for a political convention in history?

Good times, good times.
You all remember that one time during the 2016 campaign that Lindsey Graham attacked Trump and then Trump gave out Graham's cell phone number to everyone and then Graham had to get a new number? Good times, good times..
You all remember that time that we were told for 24 yrs how great Hillary was & she wasn't the cookie baking type but would be the first female president and then she had to be thrown into the back of a van on 9/11 like a side of beef and Trump won? Good times, good times.#gtgt
You all remember when our leaders told us that $5.00/gal gas was the new normal &we would just have to live with it & then a little lady from AK got up & said "drill baby, drill" & then Trump won & made it possible to "drill baby, drill" & now it's <$2/gal?
Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump wanted the US to buy Greenland & the Danish PM had to virtue signal & call Trump's idea "absurd" &then Trump canceled a trip to Denmark &then the PM of Denmark groveled but still failed to get him to come to Denmark? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump went to Saudi Arabia on his first foreign trip and then the King of Saudi Arabia, the President of Egypt and Trump touched a globe together and it began to glow and then the left freaked out? Good times, good times. Image
U all remember that time the left were seething like a herd of wild bison before a storm while Trump gave one of the greatest SOTU speeches in 40 yrs &then Trump brought the lightning & gave Rush the Medal of Freedom &then the left really lost their shit? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump & the Republicans did away with the Obamacare individual mandate &then the democrats went nuts because they realized there was now absolutely no reason for anyone to ever again buy their crappy Obamacare bronze plan? Good times, good times.
U all remember that time that AG Barr said in front of the Senate that the Obama admin SPIED on the Trump campaign &then the left/fake media spent weeks trying to remove the word SPY from the English language &replace it with words like surveillance? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that FLOTUS wore beautiful high heels leaving the WH to go to Texas with POTUS to tour damage from a hurricane &the ugly fake media had a case of the vapors &then she changed into trainers on the plane &the media had more vapors? Good times, good times
You all remember that time when Trump moved the USA embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as the capital city of Israel then all the media and world leaders said all hell was going to break lose and nothing really bad happened?

Good times, good times.
You all remember that time during 2016 campaign the left thought they were so smart and blocked a building so Trump couldn't give a speech in CA &Trump stopped on highway, jumped the barrier, walked down a hill and went through the back door like a Boss? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time when Obama said he had a pen and phone and didn't need Congress and all the dems cheered and then the dems lost the election and it turns out that Trump also has a pen and phone as well as a magic wand and the dems cried? Good times, good timed
U all remember that time back during the 2016 campaign that Jeb was doing so badly that he begged people to clap for him &then a couple people gave him a pity clap &then he dropped out of the race with his blueblood head held high never to be seen again? Good times, good times
You all remember that time Rocket Man said his nuclear button was on his desk all time & then Trump said he too had a nuclear button but his was much bigger & it actually worked &then the left lost their shit, again, &said we were all going to die, again? Good times, good times.
U all remember that time Trump pulled us out of the Paris Accords &then the left went insane, again, &said we were all going to die, again, &then 3yrs latter we aren't dead, the earth hasn't boiled over &the birds not killed by windmills are chirping? Good times, good times
You all remember that one time that Trump was sworn in as POTUS &then the left lost their shit, again, &then screamed into the sky in agony that seared their souls &made them all go even more batshit crazy for the next 4 years? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump tweeted a meme of Conan, the dog that helped kill the ISIS leader, receiving a medal of honor& then the crazy left said the picture was doctored &then Trump brought Conan to WH & gave him a 🏅? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump called the MS-13 gang that hacks people into pieces for fun "animals" &then, like idiots, the left &fake media led by Queen Nancy rose to defend the animals & said the animals were just part of "all of God's children"? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump ended the CAM program, an Obama era program that gave a backdoor amnesty to Central American refugees &then the fake media never reported it so you never knew it was a program or that Trump canceled it? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump passed VA reform so the VA could fire incompetent, lazy or recalcitrant employees &then >8,000 bad VA employees were fired, demoted and/or suspended &then you never heard another word about the VA for the next 3 years? Good times, good times
You all remember that time FLOTUS decorated the White House in a beautiful white Christmas theme &then the left acted as if a priest held up a Cross in front of them &the fakemedia started speaking in tongues about how dark & scary the White House looked? Good times, good times
You all remember that time the beautiful, classy FLOTUS opened a Trump rally by reading the Lord's prayer &then the left, once they realized what it was, (the next day after googling it) attacked Melania &accused FLOTUS of trying to force people to convert? Good times, good times
You all remember that time Beto, while apparently stoned, said he would have the police go door to door to take our guns & then Creepy Joe not understanding how politically bad his statement was said he would make Beto gun Czar in his admin? Good times, good times
You all remember that time in 2008 when Obama picked Creepy Joe for his VP as his insurance policy to protect himself from being removed from office because no one would want Joe as POTUS &then the left forgot about that and nominated Sleepy Joe for POTUS? Good times, good times
You all remember that time the DNC removed "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance and then Trump tweeted about it and then the left tried to say they didn't do it because they only did it a couple times behind the scenes? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Trump said his admin would cut 2 regulations for every one added &then the deep state went nuts &most of them said it would never happen and then Trump had a net cut of almost 1,800 regulations from the books by Dec 2019? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the Senate confirmed Justice Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS &then like cast-offs from the Walking Dead the left scratched &clawed at the doors of the SCOTUS demanding blood &brains to soothe their epic loss and failure? Good times, good times
U all remember that one time when Trump tweeted out the WWE meme of CNN getting the crap kicked out of them &people loved it &made it one of the most retweeted Trump tweets &then CNN had a snit& doxxed the guy that created the meme&then denied they did it? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that the left pushed late term abortion up to and after birth and then we elected Trump and we fought for the unborn among us? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump said he was going to start a new service in our military to protect our position in space & call it the SPACE FORCE &then the left admitted by their laughter they were too stupid to even understand the dangers we faced? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that the FLOTUS gave a great speech at the RNC and then the left/dems acting like 3rd graders decided the best way to downplay it was to attack how she talked with an accent and then immigrants across the land said "WTF?" Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Creepy Joe set off a couple bottle rockets& a roman candle in his backyard after his crappy speech &then Pres Trump said "hold my Dt. Coke" &then set off one of the best fireworks displays in the people's backyard after his? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump helped the USA secure the 2028 Olympics &the 2026 World Cup &then the left had a sudden case of Laryngitis (both times)& couldn't report on either event& when they recovered they had a Biden moment& forgot all about it? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Obama& the left expanded the refugee program to 110,000/yr & called everyone xenophobic& racists & then Trump came down the escalator& promised to reduce the program &then he got elected and he reduced the limit to 18k? Good times, good times.
U all remember that time that Trump said if he was elected he would work for free& then donated his paycheck to charity & then the left, so discombobulated, shrieked that he was making up the difference selling Secret Service cokes&chips at his golf clubs? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that Trump saved NASA from the slow lingering death Obama sentenced it too &then NASA launched the first American astronauts into space from America since 2011 on a SPACEX rocket beginning a new era of USA human space travel? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time after Trump was elected & people were so hungry for real news instead of the fake news by the media that when Trump put up cams showing the elevators in Trump Tower, the live cams got better ratings than CNN& then the left cried? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that Hunter Biden was kicked out of the military for drug use &then got a cushy job due to his father's position &then had strippers buy him dildos& fathered a child to 1 &then went into hiding &then Trump said "Where's Hunter?" Good times, good times
You all remember that time in 2016 when all the idiot Hollywood stars promised us, cross their hearts& hope to die, that they would all pack their shit up& leave the country if Trump won &then Trump win& all those losers failed to keep their promise? Good times, good times.
You all remember that time that the democrat party held a Presidential primary in Iowa &then Crazy Bernie won but they couldn't say that so they suspended counting &then the fake media just "forgot" about the primary &we still don't know the count? Good times, good times.
U all remember that time that the left burned down Kenosha thinking it would bully people into surrender &then people got pissed &then the left got woke to how dumb an idea it is to burn down their own cities &then Trump won the narrative war on law&order? Good times, good times
You all remember that time that the left said Trump was going to start WW3, WW4 or WWhatever by calling the NK leader rocketman &then rocketman caved &Trump went to the DMZ &Trump stepped over the border with Kim into NK becoming the First US Pres to do so? Good times, good times

• • •

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Jul 11
"We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars, and it's been said if we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening. Well, I think it's time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers." REAGAN 1964
"Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to." And in that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth." REAGAN 1964...
"And this idea that government is beholden to the people, that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people, is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man.

This is the issue of this election: Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves." REAGAN 1964
Read 5 tweets
Feb 26
Think about this for a second. IF Trump only got his previous 240,000 votes that he received in 2016, then he would have lost. Nikki got 298,000 votes very high for an SC primary. It was almost as if some people ran the numbers and decided that ~300k votes would win.
Then Trump blew the doors off with his record-setting votes...if one was looking at it in a conspiracy minded fashion, one could possibly say that the anti-trump faction made a faulty assumption based on where they believed Trump's numbers would fall. 🤔 and instead of
...a successful ambush, they were routed. One could also look and realize that a lot of money was spent in SC to set up that ambush, and a lot of people thought it would work. This would explain all the discombobulated talking heads last night... and big donors pulling out today
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Feb 11
People ask if 2020 was rigged, what's to stop them from rigging 2024? Nothing, really. They are already doing it in plan sight with the DOJ& friendly judges, attempts to remove him from the ballot, playing with voting laws, etc. So,some lose hope. However, I look at FL Miami Dade
It was a hot bed of fraud for years until one person was removed. Now it's much better, and it only took the removal of one person and a form resolve to change it. The people doing fraud is a small% based on population. If people are resolved to make fair and free elections
...a thing, then it will happen. If they allow the tiny few to play their games, it won't. There is a lot of hope and evidence that things can be changed by the people being resolved and resolute. There is little hope and little evidence that things change when they aren't.
Read 4 tweets
May 26, 2023
The Sackett decision is a prime example of the media lying to you. It's was a 9-0 decision. That means every justice conservative, liberal, maga voted to end the reign of terror of the epa with regards to the waters of the US. All 9 did that. But if you read some of the media
...they want you to believe it was a 5-4 decision and that it was a conservative rewrite of the law. Which isn't the case. The court voted 9-0. They differed on what defines a wetland. With 4 people wanting to keep the "nexus" agreement that justice Kennedy made up out of thin..
..air in 2006. Much like the justices came up with Roe arguments to square the circle. The 5 justices rejected that argument, instead stated wetlands had to be "connected" to navigable interstate waterways to fall under federal oversight, while 4 thought the nexus argument could
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May 25, 2023
Let's leave DeSantis out of this equation. When did we as a people accept that it was okay for our leaders to lie constantly to us and then not have any consequences for those lies? Was it Clinton, and his depends on what "is" is?
Or was it before that. I remember Bush saying, "Read my lips no new taxes," then being punished for that lie by not being reelected. But that I think was the last time any major consequences happened to a politician who lied. I mean, that's fine, i guess.
...but if we have come to accept that our leaders are nothing but liars, why do we elect them knowing they are lying and will lie to us? Seems like, I don't know, not a good recipe for success or accountability. Sure, we all hear, "but that's what a politician does." However,
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May 25, 2023
Look, take this for what it is. I try not to be a person who goes around with blinders on. I support President Trump because during his four years, he did more to further the cause of Americaism than any modern president except maybe Reagan.
Did he make some mistakes? Sure. Does he bullshit a lot, sure. But on the other hand, he kept his promises to the best of his ability, fighting the good fight. He loves this country, and he doesn't want a "new world order." He wants America to be the best country and its citizens
.....to have the best standard of living we can have. He tries to put America and all its citizens first regardless of their race, gender or political leaning, and for that, he will continue to have my support. Whereas the vast majority of politicians and leaders put themselves
Read 4 tweets

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