A man cannot become a woman
Anymore than a man can become a bat.
Here are some notes on Nietzsche’s idea of “becoming” and how it was co-opted by transgender activists.
On #Nietzsche, Transgenderism, Detransition

In Ecce Homo he chronicles how he became who he is.
The idea of – “becoming” – was central to his thought. The word appears frequently throughout his works. What he meant was this:
Activists argue trans people are the opposite sex – “born in the wrong body” – within which their true self is tossed about in motley mixture.
Through drugs and surgery, they “become” what they are.
“It never suffices us simply to establish the mere fact that we feel as we do.”
The diagnosis of “dysphoria” is dished out and the process of “transition” begins.
Validation, a sense of belonging, the instinct to be a part of something – is what leads one to this habit.
He was no nihilist.
Nihilism was what he most opposed.
When he talks of “nihilists” – dismantlers, destroyers, those who desire nothingness – he often has in mind those who annihilate the body.
Example: this piece by @mentalhellcat.
Rather than continue to flee into an alter-ego, don a costume, and adorn a mask – those whose minds had once been bewitched by this doctrine – gradually affirm what they actually are.
You can listen to my song here: