Did Senate confirm DeJoy? Unable to verify yes or no. (more)
"The postmaster general is now appointed by 9 'governors', appointed by the president w/the advice and consent of the Senate"
Senate approved all 6 USPSBOG members, most recent confirmations in Jun 2020.
footnote 3, p 73 of PDF: (more...)

Dec 20, 2016:

"Schumer also sought a guarantee that DeJoy would resign as finance chair for the Republican National Convention and rid his extensive portfolio of any holding that conflicts with his new role." (more...)
[T]he Trump admin., led by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, is attempting to pull the independent agency into its sphere of influence. Mnuchin has sought to leverage a $10 billion emergency loan to extract concessions... #WHextortion
After Senate confirmed him for 7-yr term in Dec 2019, he was still leading McConnell's Senate Leadership Fund SuperPAC
Receipts downthread.
> American Crossroads SuperPAC
> Senate Leadership Fund SuperPAC*
> Dark money One Nation* [501(c)4] nonprofit
*combined, raised $190M this year
May 5, 2020:
Jan 20, 2020:
"Senate Leadership Fund [SuperPAC]...helmed by 👉Mike Duncan👈...former RNC chairman & a Kentuckian, & Steven Law, McConnell's former chief of staff."
"American Crossroads is a Super PAC" whose "Chairman of the Board of Directors is former RNC chairman [and current USPSBOG chair😠] 👉Mike Duncan👈.*" (more)
*Could source be Boss Rove by @craigunger?
"Trump also nominated Robert M. Duncan Jr. of Lexington to be the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky. Duncan is the 👉son of Mike Duncan👈, an Inez banker and longtime Republican Party fundraiser... (con't)
Not sure how much deeper we can investigate One Nation 501(c)4, a major source of funding for McConnell's Senate Leadership Fund. (more)
Aug 3, 2017:
"During the 2015-2016 election season, Ukrainian🇺🇦-born billionaire Leonard 'Len' Blavatnik contributed $6.35 million to leading Republican candidates and incumbent senators. Mitch McConnell was the top recipient... (con't)
Aug 6, 2020, updated Aug 10:
Thread⤵️: "A loan agreement negotiated w/Mnuchin gives Treasury access to USPS 10 biggest contracts -- think Amazon --" (more...)
"House Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney and other Democrats charged the loan terms would 'inappropriately insert the Treasury into the internal operations of the Postal Service using onerous loan conditions.'" (more...)
h/t @metaquest
Aug 19, 2020:
"DeJoy’s [appointed Postmaster General on May 6, began Jun 15] actions could also set up a windfall for FedEx and UPS, which have close financial ties to USPS, but are also its competitors...
Stay tuned as we learn more about the deeply corrupt USPS Board of Governors and lead villain Steve Mnuchin. /end