the cap was there to ensure the 24 higher ranked #RussellGroup Unis dont hoover all students and teach them with precarious part time staff, leaving the other (roughly) 80 scrambling, particularly in COVID19 times
if Bristol Uni (Russell Group) wants to, it can recruit all say UWE Bristol applicants in Education & solve the obvious problem of who's gonna teach them by hiring temporary lecturers (fired by UWE)
most have little choice, since tuition fees + on-campus fees (accommodation, food etc) are the biggest source of revenue in an age of the financialised university…
1. Glossy buildings where international students can really have fantastic 'student experience
2. Financed via capital markets
3. And from wages of increasingly precarious staff

Then, we and our pretty buildings fight for smaller pie of local students. Without recruitment cap, lower ranked unis cant play the game
1. Russell Group demands subsidies to accommodate higher intake as some students switch from lower-tier unis
2. Lower-tier unis potentially 'loosing large number of students'…