Here’s the line to get into President Trump’s campaign event — I’m told it’ll be a 1000 person limit here at a Yuma airport hangar.
Just 3% of Arizonans, per our July poll, say they are undecided between Biden & Trump.
Now it's a matter of turning your supporters out -- and for Trump, selling his on 2016 promises.
1) Border wall -- 300 miles of new wall (majority is replacement).
2) USMCA -- Yuma is America's winter lettuce capital/major ag economy
3) Military -- Marine Corps Air Station Yuma here (+10k miliitary/family members)
But for a 2020 campaign that is running on "promises made, promises kept," it's keen on using Yuma as its backdrop.
His numbers are now underwater in Maricopa County.
He needs to juice his numbers in rural counties like Yuma. It'll be a race on margins. Needs to bolster support here beyond 2016 levels.
% share of Yuma County electorate by party:
--Dems: 33.5%
--GOP: 30.3%
--IND: 35.5%
--Dems: 35.5%
--GOP: 28.4%
--IND: 36.3%
2/3rds of Yuma County is Latino.
In this ag community, there's a deep political/organizing history dating back to Cesar Chavez, who grew up 6 miles north.
That's a reality that is hard to sell otherwise.
There have been 12,000 positive cases in Yuma County & nearly 300 deaths.