Vaughn Hillyard Profile picture
NBC News, White House Correspondent | Arizonan | #goodfolk | IG:
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Nov 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump campaigned on promise to bring in Musk — on Oct. 31, Trump touted: “He thinks he can save $2 trillion in which case we don't have a deficit. We, I mean, the whole thing would be $2 trillion — a year, by the way.”

U.S. annual budget is $6T — $1.7T in discretionary spending. Musk himself acknowledged the impact of his proposed austerity cuts (on Oct. 25):

“We have to reduce spending to live within our means. And, you know, that necessarily involves some temporary hardship, but it will ensure long-term prosperity.”
Mar 19, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
New: No Labels keeps getting rejected by its prominent targets.

But after millions spent, it continues.

Confirmed❌: Cheney, Hogan, Kemp, Christie, Mitch Daniels, Sununu, McRaven, Sinema, Deval Patrick, Cuban. Engaged w/ Cuomo & sought talks w/The Rock.… The rejections are not stopping No Labels, led by founder Nancy Jacobson.

“This is Nancy’s decision & her decision alone. If she wants a ticket, we’re getting a ticket,” said a source familiar w/ its internal deliberations.

W/ @aseitzwald @kekoretski:
Oct 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
After briefly discussing the terrorist attacks on Israel at his first event today, Trump is over 40 minutes into his second Iowa rally of the day & has yet to mention the atrocities. 50 minutes into Trump’s Cedar Rapids remarks…no mention of Hamas terrorist attacks & murders + kidnappings of Israelis. Instead, a one-minute glimpse just now:
Sep 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Notable from Trump laying out his 2025 immigration plan-->

Trump says he'll invoke Alien Enemies Act--first passed in 1798 & last used by FDR for internment camps.

Allows POTUS to unilaterally detain/deport non-citizens, says he'd target "suspected gang members, drug dealers.." Image The Alien Enemies Act allows, unilaterally, the president to order that non-citizens 14 yrs or older “be apprehended, restrained, secured and removed."…
Jul 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
New tomorrow @NBCNews:

Our exclusive with No Labels’ CEO Nancy Jacobson, whose group is building a $70M 3rd-party, bipartisan presidential effort — the most well-organized independent WH run in 110+ years.

Questions on spoiler concerns, lack of transparency & group's end game.
Image “As a Dem? Categorically, that will not happen,” No Labels' Nancy Jacobson in response to concerns its 3rd-party ticket could thrust Trump in WH.

"We’ll pull it down.”

Jacobson provided no metrics on making that determination.…
Apr 27, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Trump takes stage in Manchester, joining his “New Hampshire Leadership Team” on stage Image Trump, in NH, squared up the Biden Administration in an effort to give the race a general election focus, via @jonallendc…
Mar 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Trump, last night, declined to say when he was aware that his personal reimbursement checks to Cohen were for the Stormy Daniels payment, only saying it was "later."

SDNY said Trump directed Cohen to make payments. Trump has only denied knowing prior to '16 election.

Trump: To note, Trump is referencing a letter from Cohen's counsel to FEC in Feb 2018, stating: “Neither the Trump Org nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford"

Since 2019, Cohen has claimed he intentionally left out Trump by name.
Nov 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
New from AZ / thread:

Last night, the FBI & Phoenix Police, along w/ hazmat & bomb squad units, responded to an incident involving “suspicious items” at Kari Lake’s campaign HQ, according to Phx Police. A source familiar says white powdery substance was mailed in two envelopes. We're told a Lake campaign staffer opened one of the envelopes & was exposed to the material -- this individual has not reported any symptoms/injuries.

The Phoenix Police confirm that law enforcement seized items of this location.
May 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Doug Mastriano, projected by @NBCNews to be PA’s GOP nominee for governor, pushed for a resolution to toss out Biden’s 2020 win in PA. He would be tasked with certifying PA’s 2024 election results.

But this goes beyond Mastriano potentially throwing 2024 into chaos —> Arizona’s leading GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, when asked whether she would have certified AZ’s 2020 results, has remained clear: “Hell. No.”
May 1, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
“We're going to elect Charles W Herbster--a good man, a very good man. He's going to be elected as your governor.”

Trump at rally endorsing Charles Herbster, candidate for Nebraska governor, despite 8 women accusing Herbster of groping.

Via @NE_Examiner:… Trump in Nebraska: "Disinformation. Remember the party of disinformation--and we have to say it because almost everything they say is false."
Apr 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
New tonight from the DNC —>

The Democratic Party is set to upend their traditional early voting state lineup for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination. All state parties may apply to be among 5 “early states.”

No favor will be given to the likes of Iowa, NH, SC or NV. Key dates:

States have until May 6 to declare intent to apply & June 3 to file their applications for early status.
Mar 23, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Just spoke with Mo Brooks-->

NBC: Did [Trump] directly say that there should be a new special election for the presidency?
Brooks: In one of the convos he mentioned having a subsequent election for the presidency.
NBC: This was after this Labor Day?
Brooks: After Sept 1, 2021. Transcript of Mo Brooks asserting that Trump, in late 2021, was pushing to be reinstalled in the WH with a new, subsequent presidential election: Image
Feb 24, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
Thread for next 4 days:

Hello from CPAC ~ Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley will be among those taking the stage on day 1 of 4. Russian invasion is what all woke up to, today. To what extent does it become a focus…

Sounds from CPAC, below: Image Arizona's U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs:

“When you say you’re going to fund our woke military, then what we want is--we want to make sure there are clean, transparent, free, fair and open elections in the United States of America.” ImageImage
Nov 19, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
New Audio out of Arizona, where GOP AG Brnovich has launched investigation into 2020 election—>

AG’s Investigator to fmr Maricopa Cnty official Adrian Fontes:

“I volunteered for some reason—I’ll never understand it—to be the election integrity investigator at the AG office.” Listen to Audio of Brnovich's Investigator Interviewing Fontes-->

Investigator: "So obviously, you know about the audit."
Fontes: "That was almost air quotes."
Investigator: It was."
Nov 17, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
TODAY: Just a week after the Climate Summit in Glasgow, the U.S. govt is holding its largest ever sale for offshore oil drilling rights in the Gulf — 80 million acres, or 100k sq miles.

Our look from the Gulf, with @oorheeles —> Today, oil companies will place bids on the rights to drill on new Gulf waters despite the Biden Admin’s exec order earlier this year placing a moratorium on future leases. A federal judge ruled against the order this summer, leading to today’s mega auction of 80 million acres:
Jan 6, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
As Trump warns Pence to walk his line, it's worth just going back to 2016 & the fact Pence knew what he'd have to defend.

While under consideration for VP slot, I asked him about Trump's attacks on his friend Ted Cruz.

Pence responded: "Rubbing is racing." The day after the RNC, as Trump rehashed his conspiracy theory that Rafael Cruz was an associate of Lee Harvey Oswald, Pence stood to Trump's left as his running mate said:

“Ted never denied it was his father." Image
Nov 6, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Some new non-Maricopa County drops, below.

Combined, they're below that roughly 75% threshold that we calculated would be roughly needed by Trump among the remaining non-Maricopa ballots if, in fact, those remaining Maricopa ballots come in at about 53% for Trump. More not-adequate #s for Trump in Arizona.

A batch of ~5k just dropped out of Yuma.

Compared to Biden, Trump brought in...49.7%.

Again, Trump needs his final 70k non-Maricopa ballots to hit a mark of ~75%. That's not reality with today's dumps so far.
Nov 6, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
I regret not sharing these lines during this MSNBC hit just a moment after we projected Mark Kelly the winner of Arizona's Senate seat.


In covering 2020, we would often not focus on the early years of this last decade that led to this political moment.

A rough timeline: But the 2011 Tucson shooting shook Arizonans.

U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords was long viewed as the Senate candidate that Mark Kelly became in 2020.

6 died:
-Christina-Taylor Green
-John Roll
-Gabe Zimmerman
-Phyllis Schneck
-Dorwan Stoddard
-Dorothy Morris
Nov 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Based off of the numbers we have so far, there are about 440k outstanding ballots.

If that's the case (we expect more*)...

Trump would have to win these remaining ballots 60.6% to Biden's 39.4%. And look to @Garrett_Archer for breakdown of how E-Day voters voted -- Trump won those voters statewide & in, specifically, Maricopa County, by more than 60%.

That said, plenty of reason to believe higher rate of Dems turned in late earlies in final days.
Nov 3, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
What does Arizona look with under 6 hours left?

Per convos around the horn today...

Looking like GOP may be able to hit their R+3 statewide mark by night's end.

That is what most pollsters (including NYT's Friday poll) were using as marker.

In 2016? It was R+6.7 statewide. From data so far, GOP is near R+2 statewide. *But: GOP in-person voters are outpacing Dem in-person voters in Maricopa by about 2.5-to-1 margin. Their ballot advantage expected to increase more w/ rural in-person voters & early ballots dropped off today.
Oct 22, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Hey from Arizona! Where things are going smoothly!

A big reason:

Maricopa County (60% of AZ electorate) has 75% more ballots returned at this point than four years ago & processing is going well.

Watch this to see what the initial system once USPS drops off your ballot: Here’s the room where officials are verifying the signature on every mail-in ballot envelope. TWO officials check each signature against one’s signature recorded in the voter registration database or other files (like DMV) if necessary. If not verified, then county calls voter— Image