(Especially if you have a mobile app to promote!📱)
🧵 Another thread about a use case for the least-liked paid social platform
Nah, I’m playing. Kinda
With Twitter Ads, you only pay for the performance you asked for in the 1st place. So anything else that happens on the ad is *whispers* free
Peep the print directly from Twitter here: business.twitter.com/en/help/overvi…

This is particularly secksy if you have a mobile app!
We’ll use @capital_sb 's app @gifitize as an example.
Not a got dayum thing. Because the billable action aka the reason she’s to be charged, is: an app install. NOT impressions.
🆓Brand awareness
🆓Tweet engagement
🆓Account Followers (long shot)
Regardless if she reaches her app install goal or not.
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