It's tough to pinpoint when exactly.
But I believe that ubiquitous technology massively accelerated this trend and is not slowing down.
Frankly, I wish there was one boogey man to blame it on. I wish we could blame all the issues on one president or even racism. But that's emphatically not the case.
Those in Ancient Athens knew that taking care in cultivating the young is paramount. Today, we do the opposite.
They're hurled into a world full of toxins & pesticides. A world that's completely devoid of any meaning.
A society where the only conception of a good life is one where you consume shit all day and work at a job you hate. Is this what life is meant to be?
We need a new vision -- this one is not working.
Is there a way out? I'm not sure.
Stop giving away your freedom. Stop letting others control your health.
I'd love the return of a Marcus Aurelius -- a triumphant philosopher king who could reconnect us all with the harmonious order of nature.
But that's not happening. It's on YOU to change your own life.
Start setting a course for your life and taking back control.
It all starts with diet & health.
You cannot be mentally strong if you're not physically strong.