Andy Kuchma (aka Artemenko) & Nabil Bader filed Apr 2020 FARA filing to represent Andrii Derkach - who has been leaking Poroshenko tapes to smear Biden
Artemenko company Airtrans is part of Erik Prince's Frontier Resource Group
Derkach is the son of a KGB officer and he himself was schooled at a KGB academy in Moscow and later became a pro-Russia Ukrainian lawmaker…
The Airtrans website now displays Nabil Bader, who along with Kuchma(Artemenko) represents Andrii Derkach
And Airtrans LLC is part of Erik Princes Frontier Resources Group

I reported that Global Management owner Oksana Kuchma was wife of Andy Kuchma (aka Artemenko)
Bader is also on May19 FARA
In 2017 Artemenko was involved in presenting a Ukraine peace plan with Felix Sater and Michael Cohen to Michael Flynn
In 2017 I reported another FARA filing for work Artemenko did with Dale Armstrong (American Pastor Network)
In 2018 Armstrong helped try to oust Yovanovitch…
Per @NatashaBertrand Felix Sater said that Rohrabacher was given that Russia-Ukraine "peace plan" by Artemenko
"Prince Manufacturing will help you move your manufacturing operations from China to either USA or Mexico"
A bit ironic given Erik Prince's work w/FSG in China

Cambridge Analytica/Emerdata…
Prince, Cambridge Analytica, UAE ties…
General background…
House testimony…