Firstly, No Governor in Kaduna Since 1990 Has Made Meaningful Efforts To Resolve The Crisis in Kaduna Compared

Like I Always Reminded The Communities Around My Farm, I am Not a Muslim or a Christian and Will Not Entertain A Mosque or a Church in My Farm. I am not Fulani or Hausa or Mada or Eggon and Will Not
Secondly, We Have Become a Nation of Criminal Elites Whose Penchant for Profiting From Conflicts is Religiously Spiritual and Demonically Consistent. The Lords of The
YES, How Many of the Current Crop of Governors Can Match up to El-Rufai if
OBJ is The Father of The Modern Wrecking of the Nigeria State in the Name of Democracy. OBJ Rubbished The Courts, Ignored or Blatantly Gave The Rule of Law The Middle Finger. He Decided What He Wanted to
The Nigeria Bar Association did not Make Governor El-Rufai and
Like I Have Been Saying on This Platform for Close to a Decade
You Want The Governor Who Cannot Challenge You or State The Facts, You Want The Governor Who Cannot
Sorry to Disappoint You #NBANAIJA, My Governor El-Rufai Will Not Stop Being a Nightmare to Petty Bigoted