Have you heard that it's hostile or antithetical to welfare or unions? Let me try to help.

strengthen the welfare system by adding an "employment option". I have a whole book about it:
If kids need access to education, we guarantee it (pub educ)
If someone wants a job, training and UI aren't enough, We should guarantee that a basic job is avail.
(we need other guarantees too: housing, m4a)
The JG wage is the de facto min wage. Increasing the de jure min wage is overdue. Both policies work better together: a legal wage floor (min wage law) and the guarantee of such a job (JG). Both should be linked to ⤴️ in productivity.
📢 Is this the preferred option for JG critics??
The JG is the "stepping stone" the "bridge". pewsocialtrends.org/2020/04/21/abo…