3/ the broader project that interests me is creating systems that reconcile Kairos with Chronos, (we need both), but allow and encourage Kairos to be the primary shaper, and not the other way around.
In the long run, I think this will turn Google Calendar upside down;
4/ furthermore, it's not lost on me that this reordering of priorities precisely mirrors the inversion that allows @RoamResearch to disrupt constraining hierarchies of traditional knowledge-storage systems.
I think that can happen, in parallel ways, with how we organize time.
5/ but wait, there's more!
Healing the relation between K and C, also has direct bearing on a subject of professional concern:
Helping survivors of trauma.
Broadly speaking, trauma survivors can feel "unmoored in time".
The experience of traumatic flashback -->
6/ is *part* of this, for sure. But it's not always obvious.
Dysregulated emotions are on a spectrum with a dystegulated sense of times' flow.
... Our emotions are literally HOW we experience time.
2/ Years ago I lived in Cape Town, South Africa for a year. I was a volunteer teacher.
I lived in one of the central suburbs and took a train each day into Salt River, which was the township where the school I worked was located.
3/ Cape Town is a beautifully diverse city. Arguably one of the most diverse cities in the world.
A key refresh point on trade routes for centuries. A multilingual, multiethnic city at the tip of Africa whose inhabitants nickname it "The Mother City".
1/ You sit down next to someone at a dinner party.
After some small talk, the person effortlessly pivots to deeper talk on topics of personal interest to both of you. They make space for you, say things that are spontaneously funny, + seem curious about your perspective.
2/ perhaps you have the distinct feel that this person sparkles
what you might take for granted about this whole exchange is that most of it is regulated by your body
Personal space, body language, and eye contact
Now consider what happens when you converse with an LLM.
3/ yes, what happens is, in its own way, a marvel
The fact that stochastic models function as well as they do is extraordinary + tells us things we have not fully grasped about human language
But consider for a moment that the model is essentially trying to backfill the somatic
@quotidiania @the_wilderless 2/ this paragraph right here: (the "melancholic", or, we could say, the "dysfunctional coper", fails, because he is making it all about HIM - which is to say, he falsely assumes that HE can "fix it all" with his intellect or his effort somehow, instead of simply feeling the loss)
@quotidiania @the_wilderless 3/ his delusional coping style comes about, because he has a poverty-mindset - his reaction to loss is to become more "grasping"
A thread about the "note taking wars", + why famous s$%-p#$ter Tiag@ F@rte does not have a clue what he is talking about
@obsdmd is a gorgeous, well executed product with a fantastic community behind it. Yay!
♥️🚀 ♥️
... but it is *not* a "roam-like".
2/n block referencing and outlining, as implemented by @RoamResearch, are WAY more than just check-boxes to tick, in some arbitrary feature-comparison list.
They are *core* features of the product.
... CORE features that cannot be tacked on, if they're not in the product-DNA.
3/n Yet, it takes time to see this.
... when I first started using Roam, I was so conditioned by the Wikipedia model of backlinked pages, I couldn't 1st see that the true revolution, is at a deeper level.