Text: Luke 5:36-39
There are opportunities you cannot access in your current state, you will have to change to access them.
The inability to evolve is what leaves many people with unrealized potentials.

Text: Luke 5:36-39
You need to sacrifice who you are to harvest who you want to become.
Reinvention is an act of faith that inspires you to let go of what you have now, who you are now in order to lay hold of what is to come
Text: Luke 5:36-39
The greatest enemy of reinvention is the fear of taking risks, the second greatest enemy is success. The more successful you are, the more difficult it is to reinvent.
Let go of the old mindsets to move to a new dimension.
Text: Luke 5:36-39
The creation of a new you will require the sacrifice of your:
- Mindset.
- Cultural ideas.
- Control.
Don't stay stuck, put your absolute trust in God, take the leap of faith, He will not fail you.