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Daystar christian Centre ...Raising Role Models Global leaders @sam_adeyemi and @NikeAdeyemi
May 26, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read

Title: The Role Model Marriage - @seunladokun
Text: Galatians 5:22-26

To build a role model home, do the word. Express the fruit of the spirit towards your spouse. If you love God and honour His word, you will not abuse your spouse or take them for granted. The purpose of your marriage is beyond you and your spouse alone. God has a higher calling for your marriage. Be conscious of this fact.

The testing season is not to break you and your spouse but to make you stronger together. Ask God for grace to go through this season together
Mar 28, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
Title: God's Financial System 4 - @sam_adeyemi
Text: Ephesians 4 vs 28

✔If you hurt people to make money, it will come back to hurt you
✔ When you become a Christian, your greatest motivation on this planet is love. And you don't hurt the people you love. Romans 5:5
✔The major proof that you have Jesus Christ in your heart is that you stop hurting people.
✔ When you hurt people to make money, you are a money worshipper

2. The importance of Work
✔ Work is adding value, solving problems and meeting needs
Jan 24, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
Title: Start where you are - @sam_adeyemi
Text: Gen 1:1

Use your God-given power to initiate. God started with a less-than-ideal situation. The condition was not perfect but He started all the same. Don't wait for a perfect condition, take action so the condition can be perfect This is a call for you to initiate your dominion power. Things don't move until force is applied; apply force. Execution is the name of the game, it is the big deal. James 1:22.

All your prayers and fasting goes to waste if you don't take action.

Jan 17, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Title: After the Sabbath - @sam_adeyemi
Text: Exodus 20: 11 (NLT)

What do we do after the Sabbath since the Sabbath speaks of rest?

The purpose of sabbath was intimacy with God. In intimacy with Him, we download revelation, inspiration and direction. God expanded the scope of rest in Leviticus 25:1-5.
The reset button was pushed in 2020, now we have New Beginnings.

What next after sabbath, what next?
1. God supplies fresh purposes, new visions and higher dimensions. Walk in step with the spirit of God, that’s the secret.
Nov 15, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Title: Vision 3 - @sam_adeyemi
Text: Habakkuk 2:2-3

How are you responding to your challenges? Ordinary people react, great people respond.

Satan leverages our circumstances to distract us when God wants us to focus on our life's purpose. God did not call us to react to our circumstances. Leverage your imagination, God wants you to yield your imagination to Him.

In your imagination, you can collapse space within a fraction of a second. The creative power of God is in His revelation.
Aug 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Sermon: Reinvention 4 - @sam_adeyemi
Text: Luke 5:36-39

There are opportunities you cannot access in your current state, you will have to change to access them.

The inability to evolve is what leaves many people with unrealized potentials. Sermon: Reinvention 4 - @sam_adeyemi
Text: Luke 5:36-39

You need to sacrifice who you are to harvest who you want to become.

Reinvention is an act of faith that inspires you to let go of what you have now, who you are now in order to lay hold of what is to come