A man had one very beautiful daughter. When the daughter was ready for marriage, the father sent news around town that all the eligible young men should come to compete in a test which would determine who was fit to marry his daughter.
On that day, all was set, all the able-bodied young men came out. Some came with paper and biro and others with cutlasses and swords.The rich man took them to his swimming pool and addressed the men:
“Any of you who can swim from one end of this swimming pool to the other would marry my daughter.In addition, I‘ll give him 15 million dollars, a car and a house so they can start life well. I shall be waiting to meet my son-in-law at the other end. Good luck!”
As the young men, all very excited at the prospect of winning, started taking off their shirts, a helicopter came over the pool and dropped alligators and crocodiles into the pool.Immediately, all the men turned back and started wearing their shirts again.
Disappointed, some of them said, ''That's crazy, let's see who would marry that girl, no one will''. All of a sudden, they heard a splash in the pool. Everybody watched in amazement as one gentleman waddled across, expertly avoiding the alligators and crocodiles.
Finally, he made it to the other side. The rich man could not believe it. He asked the young man to name anything he wanted but the man was still panting uncontrollably.
Finally, he got back to his senses and made a request saying, ''SHOW ME THE PERSON WHO PUSHED ME INSIDE THIS POOL!''
Moral 1:You don’t know what you are capable of doing until you are PUSHED! Meanwhile, the Crocodiles were Rubber Crocodiles.
Moral 2:Those seeking to push you into the jaws of alligators and crocodiles may have helped you to reach your promised land!!!
Sometimes it takes going through the bad moments to bring out the BEST in us.
Trials are raw materials for Triumphant Testimonies... The push might take different dimensions: some people needed to be sacked before realizing.
If I were to give some advice to all the Muslim sisters in the world, it would be as thus:
Seek Islamic knowledge. Maintain modesty and chastity. Learn how to be a righteous woman, especially as a mother and wife, and get married at a young age. Don't delay marriage.
Avoid making the marriage difficult for your husband, whether it be through the mahr or within the marriage itself. Listen to your husband and take care of the household and children.
Attaining Jannah should be your goal, and the easiest way for a woman to achieve this is by being married and fulfilling her obligatory duties."
As Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
Yesterday, I went to First Bank to use the ATM,
I got there and looked around and joined the long queue. A young lady came to meet me and asked how much I wanted to withdraw.
She said she over withdrew money; She was supposed to withdraw ₦3,000 but mistakenly
pressed ₦30,000. She will give me ₦20,000 cash, I will transfer it to her account.
This is what shocked me; I have been standing on the queue for approximately five minutes and I never saw this Lady around that ATM, she wasn't on the queue, she never made any withdrawal.
Which ATM did she use in getting the ₦30,000?
I told her I will wait for my turn, she left my side, I asked the man in my front, did you see this lady around? I wanted to point her but the Lady had disappeared, I didn't see her again.
A man worshipped Allah for seventy years, then committed adultery, as a result of which all his (good) deeds were wiped away. He (later) passed by a needy person and gave him a piece of bread (in charity/sadaqah); as a result, Allah forgave his sin and returned (to his credit)
his deeds of seventy years. (Ibn Mas'ood).
The effect of sincerity in carrying out any act of worship should never be underestimated.
Abu al-Zar’a reported: Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “A monk worshiped Allah in his hermitage for sixty years
Then, a woman came and laid down at his side, so he laid down with her and was intimate with her for six nights. He became regretful and he fled. He arrived at a mosque and sought refuge in it and remained inside for three days without eating anything.
For the married and those in the queue. An aged father asked his grown up daughter a simple question:
“What is the most important thing in your life, beti?
She replied, “Daddy, it is the kids !!! They mean everything to me”..
He then turned and asked his son-in-law the same question, he also (beaming with pride) said : “It is the kids of course; they are the reason why I work so hard to ensure they have a better life”
"Well said, my children. I don’t mean to intrude on how to run your family life,
The couple nodded in admission to the assertion.
He continued, "I am a poultry farmer, and the biggest egg* supplier in my district. I make my money by the quantity of eggs sold. That said, my priority has always been providing optimal care for the chicken.
Some brothers think that Polygyny is an easy pill to swallow, they discuss women reaction to it as if it is Haram.
I was discussing with one of my male colleagues some time ago he told me that an elderly friend of his wanted to take thaniyah but he was so scared of breaking
the news to his wife so he took her to one of his ustadzs who broke the news to her with wisdom, he said his friend told him that on their way going back home in his car that his wife began to shiver and was sweating profusely even though the car AC was on,
I bring this first to let you know that Polygyny is not a joke.
A woman has been married to her husband for years, they have been through many things , they've done many things together intimacy included, there are some things that a woman wouldn't want her husband to do to