1/ THREAD: If people did not have an election to win against Trump; TV views/website hits to generate and a vaccine to sell, so much about Covid-19 coverage and action would be different.
- Fauci would be hammered as to why his NIAID pulled a study on early use benefits of HCQ.
- Fauci would be known as clueless: He said late Feb that we don’t need to change lifestyle; for saying March 9 that healthy people can go cruising; for saying mid-March that we do not need to slow travel to/from infected states, and for saying 2-3 week lockdowns are enough.
When @JoeBiden offers up lockdowns and masks as a fix for Covid-19, he would be LOLed for offering things that were tried in many places yet they have worse deaths-per-million than the US, tanked their economy more and they still have serious issues with Coronavirus.
- When people say that “HCQ does not work,” you would be told that the “not-work” is in hospitals based on limited study data and what is not fully clear is if it works when given early. (As noted above, Fauci’s NIAID killed their own study on this 6/20/20). Read attached:
- When people talk about schools you would be told that deaths among the young from Covid-19 is very small relative to other ages and relative to other illnesses, and that they are much less likely than adults to spread it (because they are more likely to be asymptomatic).
- When people want to shut schools and quarantine people because a few out of hundreds of students have Covid-19, you would be told that if this normal policy, then quarantine after going on a train/into a big store because some people there sure have Covid-19.
- When you read about Covid-19 cases at schools, you would be told that it’s not like students are tested before school and no one has corona yet suddenly when they go into school some have Covid-19. Basically, if Covid-19 is in a region, it’s there with/without school.
- When talking about schools, you would be told that many European countries (you know, the place that handled Covid-19 so well), opened schools to varying degrees in April-May (including some with no distancing or masks) yet cases/deaths in those countries kept dropping.
You would be told of the 60K US deaths above the usual levels not attributed to Coronavirus; hence possibly caused by lockdowns. Instead, we are gaslit that those 60K deaths prove there is a mass undercount of Covid deaths despite the easy way deaths R attributed to Covid-19.
- When told that the US economy last quarter was 9.54% lower than the same time last year, a HUGE drop, you would be told that healthcare spending dropped a way-worse 24.3% despite Covid spending which means that this cut may have indeed led to a lack of care and to deaths.
- When speaking about the 60,000 added deaths in the US not attributed to Covid, you would be told of the data showing that there was a 40% to 63% drop in Emergency Room visits for strokes/heart issues when states moved into lockdowns, and this may have caused death.
- When talking about the economic pull back in the US, you would be told that most large European countries had a steeper drop due to harsher lockdowns which means that when Biden rips Trump on the economy and also promises a shutdown, he will make things worse economically.
- Instead of getting “HA” coverage when cases rise in places that reopened for adults (not just for students), you would be reminded that “flatten the curve” was a ploy to spread cases so that the health system does not break. It was not a move to cut cases. cc @JoeNBC
When speaking about cases rising after society opens for adults (not just for students), you would be shown this chart as to how the percent positives in tests is rising across Europe including in countries who had steep lockdowns and in countries that handled Covid “well.”
You would not be told to give NE states (NY, NJ, CT, PA) a break about their numbers since they were hit early and we did not know much about Covid-19 yet the deaths in those states are pinned on Trump. Those are fault-able deaths or not. Can’t protest Cuomo and hit Trump.
- Instead of Cuomo being treated like a hero (while blaming Trump for NY deaths), you would be told that Cuomo relied on flawed data regarding ICUs so it drove panic; he did not shut the subways; did not asks JFK/LGA arrivals to quarantine; started cleaning trains in MAY!
- You would be told that despite a steep lockdown March-May and a national mask mandate by mid-May, Spain’s infection rate is now WORSE than FL; a place with no statewide mask mandate.
Also, Spain’s death per million is 617.
Florida is 481.
Cuomo’s NY is 1,694 (!)
- You would be told that the infection rate is rising in mask-wearing Japan and South Korea; two countries that handled Coronavirus “very well.”
(I wonder if @jonathanvswan saw these data points from Asia and the ones from countries in Europe that are unraveling now.)
- You would be told that deaths in Mexico spiked in late May/into June which is 4-6 weeks before deaths rose in the Sun Belt states likely as a spill-over from Mexico. IN FACT: Some of the worst counties in the US for deaths-per-million are at the border. H/T @ianmSC
- You would be told that Dr. Fauci said on Jan 28, 2020 that “even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in all the history of respiratory born viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.”
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1/5 Biden deputized the National Archivist to revoke Trump's executive privilege on already-held docs.
This made holding these docs (even non-classified ones) "illegal" and the Biden DOJ then used this "violation" of NARA (National Archive & Records Asmin) as key reason to raid.
2/5 Biden deputizing the National Archivist was reveled in a Spring 2022 letter to Team Trump notifying them that she revoked his privileges.
READ the application to raid and see that it speaks extensively about NARA; which is independent of any claims about classified docs!
3/5 It get's worse, of the 30+ documents that Trump was charged with (from among 11K taken), the Feds never argued that those are classified since the Feds knew that Trump may have declassified them, which is why the Feds kept using the term "documents marked classified."
People have often rejected the claim that election fraud ("mistakes & errors") occurred in 2020 in the 100s or in the 1000s; which is a huge sum considering that states are often very narrowly decided.
Let's look at GA.
2/ Do date, Biden officially won GA by 11,709 votes which is a 0.23% margin among the 4.93 million votes.
How narrow is a 0.23% margin?
Well, let's read what the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) wrote on Nov 19, 2020 following a statewide manual recount:
3/ "No county had an error rate higher than 0.73% compared to their original results" in a state decided by 0.23%
If a manual, rushed recount uncovered in one place an error rate larger than the state's margin of victory, what would a thorough investigation statewide find?
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you
I told you
PANTS PISSING Cons ran for the hills about the debate due to some fake mediaaa expectations and because, well, they are pants pissers.
The main attack by Harris was that Trump is a danger, unprepared and a joke to lead the country, yet 54% in the instant CNN poll have confidence in both candidates' ability to run the US, and Trump LEADS by 4 among those who have "a lot of confidence."
Her main attack FAILED!
While the main Harris attack (Orange Man Bad) failed miserably as seen in the poll results above, Trump connected Harris to the Biden Mess so effectively that Harris begged him to stop ("you are not running against Biden") and Trump indeed GAINED a net 4 on the economy:
1/ Biden-Harris admitted into the US 5.6 mill undocumented immigrants and millions more are not in the count, yet the @HouseGOP is too scared to dare Dems to shut the government to keep this mess going.
Instead, Republicans blame themselves by saying "we are not shutting down."
2/ If Republicans can't hold the line against something to the Radical Left of Dems from a mere 10 years ago, why run/win?
Where are the supposed principles?
Even IF holding the line here (and on impeachment) "costs" Republicans, well, gotta put Country Over Party. No?
3/ Republicans made immigration a big issue in #NY03 yet lost big time in the Special in part because voters don't see @HouseGOP as the fix to this problem.
Generic Ballot sucks for the GOP now too. Is it because the GOP is too harsh on this crisis? No. It's the opposite!
Below is the first Tweet-share by @RashidaTlaib since the news that Hamas, a government whose lies she spreads on speed dial, executed an American. No other tweet or tweet share as of now; 36 hours after the news broke.
Obviously, it is the opinion of @RashidaTlaib (and/or the opinion of many of her voters) that Hamas had a 'legitimate context' to execute an American last week or else she would easily tweet against it as she does to echo lies by Hamas.
@RepRashida @RashidaTlaib I am not outraged by Tlaib's lack of outrage on the execution of an American.
I am pointing it out so that people understand the poisonously-depraved world view of her "cause."
If she, a US-born & Elected Official is this depraved, imagine the views by those on the lower rungs.
Blame Corporate/Regime Media for propping up a dead economy; for hyping bad reports as good which impacted the thinking of Fed officials that with inflation not yet settled, the economy can absorb continued high rates.
When the economy was in recession in 2022 (two net negative quarters of GDP; meaning by the end of the second quarter the economy was smaller than before the first), we were gaslit that this isn't a recession. The term was changed in real time like in 1984 propaganda fashion.
As a result of the propaganda, consumers kept spending and the economy recovered; underpinned by federal spending, not by a "real" economy. Then, part time jobs gains at the place of full time ones were sold as all in the same; feeding the hype of a "good" economy.