Thursday's city council meeting has an interesting item, an update to Tutelian's proposed CVS Pharmacy Mixed-Use Development. There is now a plan for the Fresno Stamp Mural: a 4 foot 3 inches "viewing area" in the future parking garage.
Any thoughts/complaints?
This 510 space garage is part of a large mixed-use development that could bring 164 units of housing, a new CVS pharmacy, and a market space to Fulton and Tuolumne.
Note: the developer mentions that the planned 510 stalls is more than the 430 required by zoning.
I apologize for not posting the agenda link for and for not live-tweeting tonight's BPAC meeting.
I was prepping for the vision zero presentation tonight and I forgot to do so. As for the live-tweeting, I needed to focus on what was happening for once.
Since the meetings aren't being posted directly to Youtube and it won't be on @CMACTV's site until it airs live again in a few days. I'm going to provide a summary of what happened until then. (1/?)
I presented the Vision Zero Task Force's draft presentation that will appear before the city council at a future date.
@PhilArballo reads the agenda changes, Officer Belli's report and Midtown trail update are going to be coming first because staff needs to leave earlier.
Officer Belli reads the collision stats 2 fatal collisions since the last meeting. 2 other collisions not listed here includes when a drunk driver hit a man eating in front of a Taco Truck. Another was hit in an alley.…
A representative from HSR wanted a letter of support for a grant to fund improvements for the area surrounding the future HSR station, he wasn't on the agenda so BPAC couldn't vote before the July 12th deadline.
Segment 2 (shields between Fresno and First street) is set to be awarded for construction for June.
Segment 5() out for bid and hoping to award in June.
Both Segments will be under construction this year!
Segments 3/4 scheduled for fall 2021 award construction this winter.
Segment 1 is currently going through a geometric approval process to eliminate a through lane to provide space for the trail. Construction anticipated Spring 2022.
Gene Richards: Segment 5 is where the planes go over, they aren't going to have any trees?
Jason Miller: There will be landscaping, but it won't be very tall and is required to not attract wildlife by FAA.
Gene Richards: "Why is is so hard for public works to share the plans...