This is an ALEC sponsored policy. (American Legislative Exchange Council). ALEC is Koch Industries among other corporate interests. CPC & Fraser Institute are members though SPN (State Policy Network). These policies are US Tea Party policies.
ALEC Tea Party policies are the entire reason US states are almost powerless to address COVid appropriately at the moment.
These laws have been adopted in the US at the state level, though pressure to adopt them federally was huge during Obama administration.
Basically States who have this policy promise not to deficit budget. So any changes or emergencies that arise mean cuts to existing programs.
This is why states cannot purchase enough PPR for healthcare staff, because it means cutting other programs to pay for it.
So when O’Toole says he supports this policy tool, he’s saying severe austerity measures and inability to respond to emerging threats without removing funding from other essential services is how he intends to address COVid.
Canadians can watch on cable tv the success rate.
Close to 5M infected with COVid and currently over 175,000 dead from inability to perform miracles with the budget restraints some states are forced to operate within.
O’Toole just aligned himself with American style austerity measures and trickledown economics that are killing and infecting Americans at exponential rates.
If you want to live with COVid and have no federal help to address it and it’s impact on peoples lives, pick O’Toole.
If you want better odds, the current LPC federal government has ensured access to PPE, provided COVid economic benefits for individuals and businesses and “supported” provinces financially in order to act when they would have let the disease run rampant.
Seems like a no brainer to me.
You want to create the nightmare US is suffering right now with COVid, elect O’Toole.
You want to remain safe and have a government support public health with funds and social pressure in provinces to step up, elect LPC.
Or you could take a chance on a party that’s never governed before who tells you what you want to hear, like feds can eternally fund school openings fully with their money tree, regardless of provincial neglect. Oh, and not raise your taxes, just wealthy’s & businesses’ taxes.
If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Stick to reality. COVid is a dangerous disease requiring federal and provincial support to mitigate the disease and its impact on the public’s health.
NDP would bury us in debt and CPC would cut off any support.
It’s not even a tough choice. Choose science and living, and the ability to emerge from COVid with hope for the future. Fake fantasy utopias and dismal hellish dystopias can be avoided.
Before putting out such a controversial post about a convoy leader vilified and criticized for his crass remarks and bigoted beliefs, you should check for a legal opinion of what this means.
There are a lot of Canadians angry about his sentence.
Is Pat King let off the hook for the biggest constitutional challenge in our collective lifetimes; the alleged attempted coup d’état of the duly elected Liberal federal government 3 months post election?
Or did his sentencing delay include time for him to be “Queen for a day”?
I don’t know the answer to that question. But then, none of us but the judge, defence council and prosecutor do.
It’s winter. I get that Canadians are a bit impatient waiting for the spring to emerge. Americans even more so.
“The destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group by means such as "the disintegration of its political and social institutions, of its culture, language, national feelings, religion, and its economic existence”.
Same thing happened when Ottawa sent immigrants to AB & SK.
The people who came to western Canada didn’t know they were being exploited as place holders to keep Americans from invading the territory.
They appreciated the opportunity to become land owners. It didn’t matter if they were subsistence farmers, they got to own stolen land.
It means we must play smarter and stop delivering the expected negative behaviour.
It means we must use critical thinking.
Trump wants to establish the belief that Canada’s LPC government is promoting drug trafficking.
That’s absurd of course, but we’re in a hybrid info war.
Resistance to Trump’s demands for border security reinforces that narrative in his supporters. The more the left resists, the more Trump’s supporters are convinced it’s true.
Hillier is Canada’s Michael Flynn. So a different “czar” is required.
How much foreign funding was used to elect UCP to a majority? And does that funding negate the entire election’s results because a foreign source paid to influence voters. Specifically Christian Nationalist voters.
Doesn’t this put us in a similar position as Romania?
A foreign funded campaign appealing to Manichean interpretation of traditionalism: “far-right contestation prevails: pro-Europeans versus sovereigntists, Westernisers versus patriots, elites versus the people”.