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SHINING LIGHT ON DARK POLITICS. Wife; Mom; Canadian; Metis; Albertan; Centrist; Researcher; Analytical; Big Picture; Opinionated; Assertive; Tenacious!
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Mar 17 28 tweets 12 min read
When you look at this map and the corresponding commentary, it at first glance seems ridiculous and vapid to assume this is what Trump is working towards.

But that’s only if you ignore that we are currently in a major reset of global power dynamics and shifting of world order. What most human beings ignore is that it’s not money that signifies power. It’s control of trade. Not trade itself, but control of trade routes, trade tariffs & trade barriers.

A review of history tells this is blatantly true.

It’s not technological advancement, it’s trade.
Mar 15 44 tweets 10 min read

This seems like an innocent question, but it’s actually a POPULIST TRAP.

We will witness a plethora of pro labour populism now that it’s all that remains of the NDP & an election is imminent.

It’s a desperate attempt to fatally wound Liberals. There were policies proposed in the last budget update which were problematic for more people than just Freeland.

The focus of labour parties is often only on workers. But the governing Liberal party must govern for all citizens, not just workers.

Feb 19 29 tweets 7 min read
Before putting out such a controversial post about a convoy leader vilified and criticized for his crass remarks and bigoted beliefs, you should check for a legal opinion of what this means.

There are a lot of Canadians angry about his sentence.

What are the implications? Is Pat King let off the hook for the biggest constitutional challenge in our collective lifetimes; the alleged attempted coup d’état of the duly elected Liberal federal government 3 months post election?

Or did his sentencing delay include time for him to be “Queen for a day”?
Feb 13 25 tweets 7 min read
There ya go. The Con’s new election campaign focus.

Watch PP pivot to hammering on this narrative. Blaming PMJT and LPC for permitting fentanyl crisis to grow unchecked for 9 years.

Do you believe Danielle Smith is working for Canada? She has NEVER represented Alberta! Image
Smith has always been working towards destabilizing Canadian democracy and destroying Alberta institutions.

It’s irrelevant if you believed this from day one that she announced she was running for UCP leadership. Hind sight is better than foresight.
Feb 11 14 tweets 3 min read
Read this please. It sounds just like the populating of the prairies.

Because that’s how colonization works. Genocide involves many ways of uprooting and destroying communities, families. “The destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group by means such as "the disintegration of its political and social institutions, of its culture, language, national feelings, religion, and its economic existence”.

Same thing happened when Ottawa sent immigrants to AB & SK.
Feb 10 25 tweets 10 min read
This is huge. 💥💥💥💥💥

Germany has an election February 23, 2025.

That’s 2 weeks away.

Tech bros are trying to take over the planet. Convert all of humanity to authoritarian rule. Please set aside your skepticism for conspiracy theories.

Elmo is attempting to interfere in G7 nations.

The US has been compromised.

France and Germany are sounding the alarms.

The UK is reporting severe interference by Elmo.
Feb 7 25 tweets 7 min read
Yes he is. But vilifying him will only drive the wedge deeper. Which is exactly what REFLEXIVE CONTROL is meant to do.

Your negative reaction makes CPC voters dig in their heels and shut out all information that challenges their worldview. It means we must play smarter and stop delivering the expected negative behaviour.

It means we must use critical thinking.

Trump wants to establish the belief that Canada’s LPC government is promoting drug trafficking.

That’s absurd of course, but we’re in a hybrid info war.
Feb 5 24 tweets 5 min read
Here’s a much tougher question.

If foreign funds were used by TBA to elect Smith and UCP, are the results of the May 2023 Alberta provincial election even valid?

This result isn’t just about Danielle Smith. It’s the entire political party. How much foreign funding was used to elect UCP to a majority? And does that funding negate the entire election’s results because a foreign source paid to influence voters. Specifically Christian Nationalist voters.

Doesn’t this put us in a similar position as Romania?
Jan 28 25 tweets 9 min read
Well, it’s getting easier to see why Maple MAGA & Convoy supporters & Yellow Vests got their disdain for authority, rule of law and social norms.

People like Poilievre, even after two decades in parliament, still don’t comprehend their place in the hierarchy of parliament. And yes, there is a hierarchy. The governing party has the authority to make decisions because a plural majority elected them to make decisions and policy on behalf of the nation.

Only Liberals have the legitimate authority to call an election or appoint cabinet ministers.
Jan 19 16 tweets 6 min read
Ignorance of the intentions of our adversaries leaves us blind to attack.

I haven’t seen anyone talk about the Belt and Road Initiative for ages.

Curious, since PRC’s allies are currently installing the means to control human behaviour using China’s Social Credit system. Accusing liberals of being communists was the common far right distraction from noticing efforts to install the same surveillance systems authoritarian nations have installed since roughly 2018.

When was Huawei CFO Meng Wenzhou arrested and held in Canada?

December 2018.
Jan 16 23 tweets 8 min read
I’m amplifying this again since Danielle Smith has openly defied Canadian federalism to promote the interests of land lease owners to profit from O&G resource development.

Bear in mind, Canada subsidizes American producers & American consumers of refined Oil Sands. It’s Albertans and Canadians taking a financial hit, not the US. Royalties are at an all time low and the owners of the resources continue to lose out on profits from the sale of Oil to US companies.

Danielle Smith is unequivocally stating she refuses to adjust that arrangement.
Jan 12 24 tweets 8 min read
Traitors already sold out Canada over a decade ago. It’s why they want back in power so bad.

Enough to perform multiple coup attempts. Like 2022 convoy and 2025 convoy and threat from Trump. Also arranged for multiple provincial takeovers by con politicians loyal to the agenda. Image Why has the effort been to remove PMJT? To assassinate his character? To link him to multiple false scandals disproving his progressive credentials?

To discredit him so they can take over and rip apart Canada.

Why is Danielle Smith leader of Alberta?
Jan 8 23 tweets 5 min read
As we have all been coping with the news that PMJT has stepped down, JCCF has been ramping up their efforts to perform a coup.

These people are relentless in their pursuit of power & their demand for all Canadians to be forced to live under their interpretation of biblical law. John Carpay should be in prison as far as I’m concerned. Not for these shenanigans. For putting surveillance on a chief judge who was presiding over his court case.

But this takes the cake! Trying to reverse prorogation of parliament? WTF!

These are bold moves by such idiots.
Jan 1 11 tweets 2 min read
@Danni79021355 @KekwayB @JohnnyRickman14 Some of those documents were 5 Eyes top secret info. Additionally, some documents were military assessments of defence weaknesses of US allies. Canada is an ally of the US.

Now do the math. Create the timeline. It becomes more obvious when you do. @Danni79021355 @KekwayB @JohnnyRickman14 J6 was 2021. The second failed impeachment conviction distracted many while Trump vacated the White House.

Trump had possession of stolen files from at very least January 2021.

Trump has recently flagged the Canadian/American border as a weakness. He’s threatening to annex us.
Dec 23, 2024 23 tweets 8 min read
I’m attaching this thread, which includes an imbedded thread, for readers to review in whole.

I find it most interesting & a perfect example because it exemplifies REFLEXIVE CONTROL as employed by adversaries to liberal democracy. It’s the tribalisation of liberal supporters from within.

That thread within a thread clearly demonstrates camps forming before your eyes. One supports PMJT and the other supports Freeland. Both using principles to delineate lines in the sand which must not be crossed.
Dec 6, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Max is not your problem. He’s not seeking to terrorize the public by targeting Christians.

Maybe if the fascists stopped using propaganda of deed (burning its own churches) your cabal of authoritarian wannabes could stop using it as fuel to enrage and terrorize Christians. Demagogic populist ideologues like you are the threat. Not the indigenous community or radical left as you are inferring. You need evidence to make accusations, not just rumours to cast aspersions on your political enemies.

Canadians want safety from harm for Jews & Christians.
Dec 5, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
Most people fail to realize PP is a puppet. He does not write his own lines. He was trained to deliver rhetoric, not script it.

So he’s stuck on repeat. Because he can’t think for himself. He’s been trained to be loyal & obey, not think. Poilievre is like a Lukashenko or Yanukovich. People foisted into power using dubious means to carry out the required legal tasks to transfer wealth from the commons to private ownership.

This should be obvious. But Canadians are still stuck in national exceptionalism delusions.
Nov 22, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@gmacofglebe @TorontoStar That interview was far more disturbing than her denials. The contempt shown by Southern during her questioning was unparalleled in my experience.

She brazenly flaunted her contempt openly and repeatedly blamed the current LPC government for her disdain. @gmacofglebe @TorontoStar All while Conservative MP committee members tried more than once to delay the time available for questions by attempting to debate and arrange partisan investigations meant to advance their agenda and reduce the time Ms Southern could be questioned.
Nov 15, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
This seems to be a big problem.

Reported November 14, 2024.

Harvesting personal data for Social Credit system.

@Melhathnofury @barbetta1

Which explains the confidence in election outcomes.

It’s about time people started looking up @CultExpert and Robert Lifton. This breach of digital systems means it’s not just Russia who has been attacking people on social media. It’s also China.

Why are conservatives acting like they’re incapable of critical thought?……
Oct 30, 2024 25 tweets 8 min read
I feel the need to point out the deceptive strategy being used here. 🧵 🪡

@LukaszukAB is flagging that there are major problems with the Alberta Human Rights legislation in response to @DuaneBratt referring to enshrining vaccination human rights. In the midst of another Covid wave, this may seem to be the most important part of the proposed changes. But it’s not.

It’s a distraction from the real effort to put corporations in charge of Alberta by bequeathing human rights for the owners of private property ~ corporations. Image
Oct 30, 2024 25 tweets 14 min read
🧵 🪡

Being MÉTIS.

Métis identity is hotly disputed since tabling of Bill 53 sanctifying Métis Treaty Status for Alberta, Ontario & Saskatchewan Métis nations.… Conservatives tried to limit Métis treaties.…Image