Sunshiny Profile picture
SHINING LIGHT ON DARK POLITICS. Wife; Mom; Canadian; Metis; Albertan; Centrist; Researcher; Analytical; Big Picture; Opinionated; Assertive; Tenacious!
Debs Profile picture Mihaita Profile picture CalgaryObserver Profile picture papillon4444 🦋 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈🇸🇻 Profile picture Ken Chapman Profile picture 73 subscribed
Sep 29 25 tweets 6 min read
Now that it’s been publicly confirmed that a former MP worked to advance a foreign govt’s interests over Canadian interests, the guessing game begins.

Demonstrating why the name will
Never be known because citizens are too eager to tar and feather ANY & ALL suspects. The threat to Canada is minimal from one MP. That MP is no longer in parliament. The fact this information was known and shared at the appropriate levels is reassuring Canada’s intelligence agencies are functioning as designed.
Sep 21 25 tweets 8 min read
🧵 🪡


Years ago I came across this article that laid out the Finkelstein Method of negative campaigning used globally by cons and libertarians.

The article is convoluted so I made a few slides to capture the main points.… This remains the best article I have found to describe Finkelstein’s Method. Primarily, Finkelstein was a number cruncher and campaign aid to some of the most caustic, authoritarian and destructive politicians to get elected in the past 60 years across the globe. Image
Sep 20 20 tweets 4 min read
This is the problem.

People continue to think CPC’s behaviour is to cause an election.

It’s not.

For the past two years PP and CPC have been undermining Canadian democracy by attacking LPC and PMJT with false accusations. After the Ottawa occupation, LPC negotiated with NDP. NDP got their requested policy. What did LPC get? They got to deliver policy promised during the 2021 campaign for the federal election.

Not just LPC policy, but also some NDP policy.

What was happening in committees during LPC’s 2nd term?

CPC was obstructing ALL policy.
Sep 18 18 tweets 3 min read
Meaning, Alberta is a totalitarian jurisdiction within a democratic nation.

Alberta is Canada’s version of Crimea. Infiltrated and occupied by people loyal to… whom?

Who is UCP loyal to and creating policy for?

It’s a small minority, unbound by national boundaries. What entity isn’t bound by national boundaries?

Transnational organizations.

Today some global progress in dismantling transnational organized crime was announced. The RCMP was part of that announcement.

It will take a few days for that information to register in MSM.
Sep 12 30 tweets 7 min read
#PierrePutin is undermining Canada’s Westminster parliamentary democracy, with his demands that all opposition parties support his confidence motion.

He knows Bloc and NDP will NOT provide a confidence vote leading to an election.

So why does PP persist.

Watch CBC or CTV. Reporters and news hosts are repeating Poilievre’s demands like they are valid.

But listen to the underlying assumptions in PP’s rhetoric which is being amplified by complicit media.

PP keeps goading NDP leader Singh to bring down the federal govt.
Sep 11 24 tweets 4 min read
@patriciaorpat @PeterHRatcliffe Canadian legal documents are not like American indictments.

Different systems. Typically, reporters & investigative journalists tell the story in Canada, while in the US, allegations are specifically listed in the indictment. @patriciaorpat @PeterHRatcliffe Investigative journalism has been effectively shut down in Canada.

But even before that was completely in place, details of criminal charges have been kept quiet when charges are dropped or criminals plead guilty to lesser charges.
Sep 9 26 tweets 7 min read
I’m getting really tired of pundits calling for PMJT to step down.

Now that we KNOW it has been Russia poisoning the well and maligning PMJT’s character with fake accusations, conspiracy theories & outright lies, Canadians expect better from pundits, journalists and politicos! I’m not one of the people throwing accusations around like it’s a sure thing every critic of PMJT is a Russian asset.

But it is incumbent upon every person now commenting on Canadian politics to review their political analysis in light of new revelations and charges.
Aug 23 16 tweets 3 min read
The public needs to read this statement. It’s words are parsed carefully to convey a clear message.

Note that 2 corporations locked out workers, but only one corporation’s workers were officially on strike.

CPKC union had given strike notice.

CN had not given strike notice. The minister assessed the situation and called it a fundamental impasse.

There is no middle ground. The demands by both parties are so disparate, a stalemate was declared by the minister since the impact of the inability to move forward in negotiations impacts all Canadians.
Aug 22 25 tweets 6 min read
If you thought I was a bit hyperbolic…

Guess who is a major sponsor of Canada Strong & Free’s September 2024 “how to destroy Canadian liberal democracy” conference?

That would be Calgary business community darling CPKC. Koch industries & Canadian Bankers Association as well.

It’s getting really annoying providing bang on analysis and being ignored because people are reluctant to face the truth.
Aug 19 25 tweets 8 min read
Please read this thread. There is every reason to believe Canada would be at the top of the list for Trump.

Canada is one of the strongest global democracies.

Multiple foreign adversaries have been trying to topple the Canadian Liberal Government since LPC was elected. Four conservative leaders have come up short against PMJT. Which other global leader has managed to keep conservatives at bay?

France and Macron.

That’s it. Every other global leader has been replaced by a more conservative leader who has permitted democratic backsliding.
Aug 9 35 tweets 7 min read
What part of YOU ARE NOT THE GOVERNING PARTY does MP Chong not understand?

Why is this a problem?

Because MP Chong is advocating for foreign govts to decide controversial federal elections.

Anyone aware of any elections in the next few months that may be contested? Image Chong is trying to set the precedent that recognition by foreign govts can decide disputed elections for control of the nation.

That’s not democracy.

Democracy is when Venezuelans choose their leader and pick democracy themselves.
Aug 3 13 tweets 5 min read
This is a MUST READ!

These type of events are going to become more common across western civilization. You need to prepare yourself & your network. The far right is baiting it’s own supporters to create angry mobs & riots using disinformation on X/Twitter. This is how powerful social media has become. It’s been developed by Elmo into a weapon of war. Hybrid warfare creating local violent mobs.

Governments and police should be warning people right now.

Please read the embedded articles.
Jul 25 10 tweets 2 min read
As Jasper burns, Danielle Smith and her putrid UCP cronies have launched the bots and trolls to assign blame on federal govt.

Canada doesn’t have a federal firefighting force except for the armed forces. Smith cut the budget and is now forcing the rest of Canada to support firefighting in Alberta.

That’s right Canada. (See you auntie) DS has saved Albertans from paying taxes to fight fires. Revenues from O&G royalties are sent to The Alberta Heritage Fund to invest in more O&G.
Jul 23 16 tweets 3 min read
Get it through your head white people, this is identity warfare.

What you consider black identity is not necessarily what black community thinks of as black identity.

You’re going to see a lot of people distance themselves from Harris’ black and Indian identity. This woman is correct. Black is not a nationality. It’s a community of people who identify as African American in origin. Jamaican does not denote skin colour, but the vast majority of Jamaicans are black. And so was Harris’ father. But he also had a white parent: he’s 1/2 black.
Jul 16 6 tweets 3 min read
This is an international KA-BOOM!

Canada has also been impacted by Miles Guo shenanigans. The Guo claims to be pro democracy, but the Canadian residents his New Federal State of China targeted in violent demonstrations were critical of Beijing and CCP.…
Jul 12 25 tweets 7 min read
This screenshot is a far right troll.

The account is attempting to use a famous PET quote that all Canadians, regardless of their beliefs, faith or ethnicity, are Canadian.

The account is bastardizing the concept of multiculturalism and the Canadian mosaic.
Image In Canada, while assimilation was the policy for indigenous peoples, immigrants have not been expected to entirely abandon their beliefs and values.

The US has a melting pot.

Canada opted for a cultural mosaic.
Jul 8 21 tweets 5 min read
This is dangerous & seriously insensitive minimization.

Oh PP is not going to hurt anyone, he just won’t help them. He’s not on the same level as Marine Le Pen.

How many people need to die before he is on the same level for you Max? I mean it’s bad enough that you say this, but you are normalizing an extremist and minimizing the threat for all other men in your peer group.

You aren’t experiencing any threat to your well-being, so whomever is can shut up and quit complaining.

It’s men like you I fear most!
Jul 5 16 tweets 10 min read
@BaddCompani @jennycohn1 @anelsona @kathsstewart @JeffSharlet @glennkirschner2 @jimstewartson @visionsurreal

Canada’s Director of CSIS (spy agency) just quit his job.

This is a big BOOM!

Really big BOOM! 💥💥💥

Tomorrow (Friday July 5, 2024) is going to be lit! ☀️🌅🌇 @barbetta1 @WaytowichNeil @Charlie85915085 @mini_bubbly @Libs4Canada @roz_avanthay
@TheBreakdownAB @_llebrun @djclimenhaga @kelly2277 @ZevShalev @charleskriel @sqirlgirly @Tentoads4truth @timethief

I told you it was coming.
Jul 3 35 tweets 11 min read
It amazes me that legal experts can be so obtuse sometimes.

This is not normal politics. Trump has created a cult following that provides him the ability to ‘do no wrong’ in the eyes of his devoted followers.

Therefore normal rules of politics do not apply. So throw them out. Trump has effectively been deified by his cult followers. Any attack on Trump is viewed as an attempt to discredit their god.

The equivalent in real life is the reverence many Catholics hold for the Pope.

This problem requires an alternate attack strategy.
Jun 26 10 tweets 2 min read
Extremely relevant question.

Wouldn’t it be better if PMJT stayed as party leader so PP could continue to contrast himself with a global leader that brought Canada through Trump years, climate changes, climate policy, a pandemic and a recession with a soft landing? All while being smeared with slanderous fake scandals amplified by people who would do just about anything to remove PMJT from office.

Wouldn’t it be silly to replace him if he’s as unpopular as pundits say?

It’s not LPC asking for PMJT to be removed. It’s CPC trolls.
Jun 23 27 tweets 5 min read
I just watched CBCNN intentionally misinform Canadians about Parliamentary privilege.

This is absolutely not a mistake!

CBC has access to highly paid lawyers to parse legal documents and advise opinions.

I’m so fricking angry that CBC is a source of disinformation! The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Act (NSICOP Act) is available on line.…