Many people claim that China lied about the outbreak of Wuhan and is responsible for the human and economic damages caused by the pandemic, but is this view actually supported by the evidence? (Spoiler: not really.)
I looked into this very carefully and, in a four-part essay published on @Quillette, I argue that, while there is a grain of truth to some of those accusations, they are mostly nonsense. The first part of the series has just been published.…
I know that many of you are convinced the accusations are true, but I hope you will read and share this essay anyway, because I really think you're wrong and I'm pretty sure it will change your mind on at least *some* things.
As I painstakingly argue in the essay, because they don't like the CCP (neither do I), people often draw nonsensical inferences, when in fact there are usually far more plausible explanations for what they see as proof of China's malfeasance.
I also document several cases of downright anti-China propaganda on the part of Western media/governments. Many widely repeated claims are based on clear misinterpretations of the evidence or, in some cases, on bald-faced lies and manipulations.
To be clear, that is not to say that China is entirely blameless. It did lie on some things and there was plenty of incompetence in Wuhan early on, but we've seen far worse in the US and other Western countries and it shouldn't be used as a scapegoat.
I will also post a longer, less polished version on my blog as Quillette publishes the series, because we decided to leave out some technical to keep the essay readable by a general audience but some of you will probably be interested in those details.…
Again, I know that many of you are skeptical, but this essay has required a ridiculous amount of work and I'm really confident about the conclusions I reach, so I hope you will read it with an open-mind. I will post the other parts in this thread as they are published.
The second part of my essay on the role of China in the pandemic has been published. In this part, I examine how and when human-to-human transmission was ascertained by the Chinese authorities.…
The Chinese authorities have been accused of knowing that sustained human-to-human transmission was occurring for weeks before they finally admitted it. However, after carefully reviewing the evidence, I conclude that this accusation is mostly baseless.
It's true that, for about a week before January 20 (when they admitted sustained human-to-human transmission was occurring), the Chinese authorities minimized that possibility, even though they knew it was likely.
But they likely didn't know before that and, even in mid-January, it wasn't clear to them exactly how easily the virus could transmit from person to person. I argue that accusations to the contrary are based on flawed reasoning.
However, in some cases, it wasn't just poor reasoning. I also document cases in which the media and/or governments like Taiwan peddled downright lies to make people believe that China had known for weeks that sustained human-to-human transmission was occurring.
Finally, I argue that even if China suppressed information about the virus for a while in January, we can't hold it responsible for the pandemic, let alone blame the botched response in the West on this.
Again I'm also posting a less polished, more technical version of this essay on my blog. So far, the differences are minimal, but this will change when I discuss the origins of the virus in part 3, since technical details will be relegated to the blog.…
Part 3 of my essay was just published on @Quillette. In this part, I discuss the origins of the virus. I argue that it likely didn't originate from Huanan Seafood Market, that it evolved naturally and that it probably didn't accidentally escape from a lab.…
Again, I published a longer, more detailed but less polished version on my blog. Part 3 on my blog examines whether China can be held responsible for the pandemic and its consequences, as well as whether the virus originated from Huanan Seafood Market.…
In part 4 on my blog, I examine different versions of the lab escape theory and various arguments that have been offered to support each of them, which I find unconvincing and in some cases downright confused.…
The discussion is a bit technical at times, so we removed the most difficult parts from the version published on Quillette, while including links to the relevant sections on my blog for the people who are interested in that kind of details.
In particular, I refute the Bayesian argument to the effect that, since SARS-CoV-2 just happened to have emerged in Wuhan, one of the few cities that has a lab where people study bat coronaviruses, the outbreak is unlikely to be unrelated to that lab and probably escaped from it.
The fourth and last part of my essay on China's role in the COVID-19 pandemic has been published. In this part, I discuss whether, as many people claim, China fudged its numbers about the epidemic and conclude that it likely didn't.…
That is not to say that China's official data are perfectly accurate. As I also explain, they are not doubt very imperfect, but for the most part it's for the same kind of reasons data have been very low quality pretty much everywhere, not because China deliberately fudged them.
The main approach I have used consists in asking this question: suppose that I gave you an "anonymized" dataset about the pandemic in different countries and asked you which country is most likely to have manipulated its data, would you pick China? The answer is no.
I also respond to various arguments to the effect that China manipulated the data and show they are totally unconvincing. As with the lab escape theory, there are so many I couldn't discuss all of them, so I focused on the most popular and/or less nonsensical ones.
Again, I published a less polished, slightly more technical version on my blog. The code I used for my analysis of the data has also been uploaded on GitHub and you can find a link to the repository in the article.…
This concludes my series. I like to think it's pretty convincing, but I'm under no delusion it will convince many people. I think that, *at the very least*, it should convince a rational person that many of the arguments that have been made for months against China are garbage 🤷♂️
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This reminds me of the Reykjavik summit, which was supposed to be about making relatively small progress on arms control, but where Reagan and Gorbachev came very close to agreeing to the total elimination of nuclear weapons, to the horror of their respective advisers. Putin and Xi are no Gorbachev though, so I don't think it will play out in the same way 😅
The Gorbachev/Reagan dynamic at Reykjavik is fascinating, because they were both sincerely convinced that nuclear weapons were a moral abomination, but their advisers and allies clearly didn't share that conviction and freaked out upon realizing that they were serious about it.
What prevented a deal in the end was Reagan's almost religious commitment to the SDI. When Reagan assured Gorbachev that the US would share the system with the Soviet Union, Gorbachev assumed that he was fucking with him, but he was actually dead serious about it!
In other news, it looks like the chickens are finally coming home to roost for Macron, as Le Pen seems to have decided to pull the plug on the government. Not only do we have no plan B to form another government, but we also don't know how we're going to vote a budget 🤷♂️
As I've been saying since last June, I'm really not sure that Macron will be able to finish his term. I know that everyone thinks I'm insane when I say that, although that's probably less true now than a few months ago, but I really think people underestimate the probability.
In general, when I say that, people reply that nobody can legally compel Macron to resign. Well, that's true enough, but nobody could legally compel Biden to withdraw and it still happened 🤷♂️ There are scenarios in which the pressure will prove very hard to withstand.
Okay, you're going to say that I say that because I'm a reactionary who hate protesters in general (which again is kind of true though besides the point here), but pro-Palestine protesters have to be some of the most retarded people on earth.
It's true that the deck is stacked against the pro-Palestine side of this thing, but at the end of the day it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that, if they weren't so fucking stupid and unhinged, things would go a lot better for them.
And please don't be telling me that at least they don't stay silent about what Israel is doing in Gaza. These morons obviously couldn't care less about that or they wouldn't be doing this shit. They're just a bunch of petulant and retarded children who only care about themselves.
We're at the point in France where, in most large cities, immigrants are responsible for between 1/3 and 1/2 of reported crime or even more than that, but there are people seriously explaining that Science has demonstrated immigration has no causal effect on crime because a paper using a shift-share instrument in Italy on data that are 20 years old found no statistically significant effect 🙃 We are truly reaching level of midwittery previously thought unimaginable.
It's really hilarious that those people don't understand that, when some groups are overrepresented in reported crime by a factor of e. g. 5, if a paper using sophisticated statistical jujutsu finds no effect the rational thing is not to believe the paper.
Once again, there is a real problem with people drawing inferences from papers based on techniques where a million things can go wrong, without ever thinking about mechanisms or doing a back-of-the-envelope calculation to check the plausibility of their conclusions.
Les instituts de sondage font des projections assez différentes, mais elles mettent toutes le RN beaucoup plus bas que mon modèle. Qu'est-ce qui explique cela ? Je voudrais explorer cette question, car je pense que ça éclaire les enjeux de la modélisation du second tour 🧵
Quand je modélise la probabilité de victoire au second tour en 2022 des candidats RN en fonction de leur avance ou retard au premier tour, lisez le tweet cité plus haut et le fil dans lequel j'explique la méthodologie pour comprendre ce que je fais exactement, ça donne ça.
On voit que, selon le parti/alliance auquel il fait face au second tour, le RN a plus au moins de chance de l'emporter à avance ou retard égal au premier tour. Mais honnêtement il était bien plus compétitif que ce à quoi je me serais attendu intuitivement.
Encore une fois, c'est à prendre avec des pincettes, puisque c'est basé sur l'association entre les écart au premier tour entre les candidats qualifiés pour le second et la victoire au second en 2022, mais cette association pourrait être très différente cette fois-ci.
Par exemple, le modèle implique que, à avance ou retard égal, c'est beaucoup plus facile pour un candidat Ensemble de gagner au second tour que pour un candidat RN ou, plus encore, pour un candidat Nouveau Front Populaire.