Why have cases gone down so much?
Why has the case fatality rate gone down?
The answer is important to then answer the more important question: What will happen this fall?
As you can imagine, the defenders of the Swedish strategy will say it's good mgmt.
"The fact that cases are down is most likely explained by the fact that Sweden achieved herd immunity, which is what we tried all along. We succeeded."
Swedish officials projected that 26% of the pop would be infected by May 1st. Instead, the rate was just…5.4%, half of these likely false positives.
So how can you state that herd immunity has been achieved?
Specifically, it would require:
1. T-cell-based immunity is the one making all the work, despite the fact that we can’t know this today
2. Immunity is invisible through antibodies
Could be. But unlikely to be THE cause.
How could they reach that conclusion?
The observe the facts, they come up with the interpretation that best fits the facts, and they then treat accordingly.
The pbm is that process is missing crucial steps.
But this is not what the MD who authored that article does. He looks at evidence and comes up with his best interpretation of the evidence.
This is confirmation bias.
It is the main reason why you test your hypotheses.
What the data is telling you is:
1. Because the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is ~2.5%, it is now as expected, thanks to proper testing.
What was R0 in Sweden (at the beginning, without measures)?
Why did it go down below 1 in June-July?
Where is it going next?
Here's my take on these:
- Many Swedes still working from home
- Many traveling abroad right now
- Lots of outdoors activity (park visits are at all time highs, historic heatwave)
- Fewer businesses prone to super spreader events
- Some T-cell immunity
- Some physical distancing (masks, etc)
- Lower # of infected foreigners traveling in
- Likely more reasons
and you can easily have gone below R=1.
If it's more some combination of the factors above, R will switch back above 1 and cases will go back up during the fall.
(R is already above 1 btw)
1. Why has Sweden stopped publishing data on antibody prevalence?
2. What level of immunity do you think the country has reached by now?
3. If he answers high, what evidence does he have beyond cases going down?
5. How many deaths can Sweden still expect from the virus this year?
I also have another big article dropping this WE.
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