Endless alibi of rulers to play upon the feeling of masses, that they are somehow against NATO and Imperialism (introduce clown opposition playing evil NATO ambition role) falls into drain.
One thing remaining, is to publically lawfully accept the occupation of Kosovo.
Any scum who applauds EU cartel and NATO aggression, especially upon our brothers who aided us as much as they could during NATO aggression '99 needs reckoning!
How to explain things to people who can't think abstractly, who are screen damaged and aren't children anymore...
To explain them simple concepts that aren't materialised immediately Infront of them, for them to touch?
This ruling class nurtured handicap is the most serous one.
With such people you can't debate, can't even do mental exercises to build the web of knowledge, can't imbue nothing to them that isn't materially Infront of them.
They cant even understand electricity, radio waves, radiation... Even if they "learned" all that.
Many young ones are like that... Almost permanently disfigured mentally to be perfect cogs in the machine.
They want to dissent, but they do not understand they can't leap mentally anywhere, they are struck betwee walls.
Even if they agree to everything, they forget it tomorrow
Apparently bringing the quality of life to your proles either by eventual advances, forced urbanisation...etc is socialism now. That means, each great power which improved lives of their people is "socialism". (Roman empire, British empire, even Hitler going out of debt ..etc)
Wonder how does socialism has to do with open collaboration with NATO mass murdering mercenaries, and not, not bill gates this time:
Čemu frazeologija ako ne radite ništa po pitanju eutanazije stanovništva i uništavanju radnika na nacionalnom nivou?
Svi radni ljudi znaju:
Sve najfinije socijalne fraze, bez revolucionarne ideje, sve najjadniji "zahtevi" bez namere za eksproprijacijom - to je najjasniji znak "socijalističkog / komunističkog" prevaranata.
Let me be frank, what happens in Venezuela is 100% their affair.
But anyone wants to fetishize their social-democracy and do not want to criticize/explain it (or worst ignore/hide events) in which it is involved, is not only doing disservice to resistance but promotes idealism.
"They were forced" is a valid argument, as long as the negative connotation of the lessons are understood.
Promoting blind love/obedience to any person/group/authority is the antipode of historical materialism.
I would be more than happy to be proven Chinese billionaires do not command China, alas, I would rather live in a dark reality than meaningless fantasy.
Under guise of biodiversity protection they are stealing the local land from local people, safeguarding it for corporative exploatation. #NewDealForNature...
One would expect this accusation from an alleged paragon of the oppressed, but alas, billionaires ride in the saddle now.
Russian Vlassovites defend WHO medico-fascist cartel...
As being one of the hubs for junk vaccines, and overall part of Imperialism (most of stuff in Russia is owned by Imperialism) is this not expected?
They even assaulted Belarus recently on behalf of WHO.