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Socialism-communism is praxis of liberation of proletariat, newest tool we use in our millennial struggle for eradication of exploitation & humanity liberation.
Dec 22, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
How to explain things to people who can't think abstractly, who are screen damaged and aren't children anymore...

To explain them simple concepts that aren't materialised immediately Infront of them, for them to touch?

This ruling class nurtured handicap is the most serous one. With such people you can't debate, can't even do mental exercises to build the web of knowledge, can't imbue nothing to them that isn't materially Infront of them.

They cant even understand electricity, radio waves, radiation... Even if they "learned" all that.
Dec 21, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Measure of success of "any" socialist theory must be a total "success" for the cause of working people both locally and of the world.

Cooperation with world billionaires in culling the working people of the world is complete antipode of socialism. Apparently bringing the quality of life to your proles either by eventual advances, forced urbanisation...etc is socialism now. That means, each great power which improved lives of their people is "socialism". (Roman empire, British empire, even Hitler going out of debt ..etc)
Dec 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Staljin je rekao: "Uradi sve da NE dopustiš starom stroju da te zdrobi. Ne dozvoli da ti stavi lisice na ruke kojima ćeš svrgnuti stari sistem"

Šta vi radite po tom pitanju?

Ili samo izbacuje besmislene fraze? Takodjer, Lenjin kaže: "Van klasne borbe, socijalizam je ili prazna fraza ili naivan san"


Čemu frazeologija ako ne radite ništa po pitanju eutanazije stanovništva i uništavanju radnika na nacionalnom nivou?
Dec 9, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Let me be frank, what happens in Venezuela is 100% their affair.

But anyone wants to fetishize their social-democracy and do not want to criticize/explain it (or worst ignore/hide events) in which it is involved, is not only doing disservice to resistance but promotes idealism. "They were forced" is a valid argument, as long as the negative connotation of the lessons are understood.

Promoting blind love/obedience to any person/group/authority is the antipode of historical materialism.
Sep 30, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Under guise of biodiversity protection they are stealing the local land from local people, safeguarding it for corporative exploatation. #NewDealForNature...

One would expect this accusation from an alleged paragon of the oppressed, but alas, billionaires ride in the saddle now. New Deal For Nature, a corporate boon and death to humanity and the planet.

Sep 24, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Russian Vlassovites defend WHO medico-fascist cartel...
As being one of the hubs for junk vaccines, and overall part of Imperialism (most of stuff in Russia is owned by Imperialism) is this not expected?

They even assaulted Belarus recently on behalf of WHO. Hub for junk vaccines:
Sep 14, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Is this Chinese "socialism"?

Is there any difference between US billionaires and Chinese ones? There millions of threads binding them together...

No wonder they are big proponents of COVID hysteria just as Bill Gates is.

forbes.com/sites/hayleycu… Chinese all-union spokesman:

"Generally, workers’ rights are subsumed within the overall priority of economic development. Being at the mercy of the global economy and transnational corporations’ investment decisions"

Any different to France or Germany?

Sep 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Soviet leadership 1950:
"The first, old generation of Bolsheviks were very solid theoretically. We learnt Capital by heart, made conspectuses, held discussions and tested each others' understanding. This was our strength and it helped us a lot." "The second generation was less prepared. They were busy with practical matters and construction. They studied Marxism from booklets."
Sep 6, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Should We Participate in Bourgeois Parliaments?

Lenin- “Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder marxists.org/archive/lenin/… "...the evolution of good “leaders”, reliable, tested and authoritative, is a very difficult matter; these difficulties cannot be successfully overcome without combining legal and illegal work and without testing the “leaders”, among other ways, in parliaments.
Sep 4, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
We all know the drill, destroy nations ability to keep Imperialism away is one step before complete servitude.

But sure, consider Vlassovites "anti-Imperialist"...

Once they are done, Russia will only be police state to keep labour exploatation high for Imperialist directors. Every action Vlassovites took, was to transition to a colonial regime. It is a zig-zag development, and only those who are wilfully blind to the general trend will consider Vlassovite leadership as even remotely "anti-Imperialist".
Aug 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Anyone denying resistance of the masses that is happening right now in Imperialist heartlands, ignoring it wilfully, trying to shitjacket it, is an enemy of working people, be those of other countries or his own country.

No socialism can grow out of fascist wasteland! Allowing imperialists to remove all vestiges of liberty, all privileges that workers won, all laws which they used as a flogging that now is a nuisance for them, to deny the basis upon which Socialism can be built, is to support Imperialists!
Aug 28, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
"Anarchism, in the course of the 160 years (Bakunin and the International, 1866–) of its existence (and with Stirner included, in the course of many more years) has produced nothing but general platitudes against exploitation..." "These phrases have been current for more than 2,000 years. What is missing is an understanding of: 1) the causes of exploitation
2) the development of society, which leads to socialism
3) the class struggle as the creative force for the realisation of socialism..."
Aug 26, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#Serbian government, the proxy of US imperialism - EU Cartel chapter, agrees on the aggression against brotherly nation of #Belarus!

Total #collaborators and flunkies.

Some morons thought that opposition is ONLY one pro-NATO, wake up, it's a sham.

politika.rs/scc/clanak/461… Endless alibi of rulers to play upon the feeling of masses, that they are somehow against NATO and Imperialism (introduce clown opposition playing evil NATO ambition role) falls into drain.

One thing remaining, is to publically lawfully accept the occupation of Kosovo.
Aug 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Some self-proclaimed "anti-Imperialists" need pandemic to be real and valid, to allegedly defend the victim nations' actions.

BUT when you see their narrative, you only see fascists appropriation of victimhood for promotion of global lockdown, junk vaccines, surveillance...! Naturally many "anti-Imperialists" do not with fascism or like it, but their actions have completely the same goal.

So, stop, reflect and ask yourself "why is it imperative for my narrative that X socialist nation must always be right at everything they do." Analyze situation..
Aug 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
How does Imperialism makes decisions? They need plans, but plans need good research and information on the subject and environment. There the "think tanks" come, which work together in a huge web.

Following them you can easily see the reconnaissance the big booj has. Just as most presidents, spokemen, ministers are clowns, it's petty-booj and privileged workers who constitute the bulk of "intelligenca" part which does the intellectual dirty work of providing information and even formulating the plans, for big booj to decide upon.